iOS add to homescreen does not work


I refactored my configuration yesterday and also changed the password for HTTP access. Since then, I am unable to access the UI via a homescreen icon on iOS. I can access it via Safari, but after adding it to the homescreen, it keeps asking me for the password and shows loading data only.

Any idea whats wrong here? I already cleared the browser cache on iOS. The same behaviour appears on another iOS device.

Hello Tribune,

I created a topic here: IOS Shortcut not working. For me this fix is not working but I guess you could try.

Thanks for pointing to this topic. So its rather an iOS 10.3 issue, which occurs if you want to setup a new home screen shortcut.

I got similar problem and iOS 10.3.1 update didn’t work for me.
Keeps asking me for the password and shows loading data only.
However, when i disable the password, it works fine.

Did anyone ever find the cause of this or a solution? I’m still having this issue.