Just got this working with HACS finally.
What is the header color called?
I’d love to change it from orange to something more muted.
I don’t want to run the custom compact header. (I think that gets rid of the ability to edit your cards in the UI, unless that’s been addressed, I’m in.)
Ok, I’m looking into it now.
It’s installed but I’ve got to figure out how to enable and style it.
Maybe a restart lets the theme takeover, I don’t know.
Thanks for the instructions. They work fine, but copying the base64 string into the YAML is a bit error-prone. So I decided to reference the file with
background-image: “center / cover no-repeat url(’/local/homekit-bg-3.jpg’) fixed”
after copying it to /config/www/
One further question - my Overview page has the theme but Map, History, Logbook don’t. How do I apply the Theme to those pages?
Great theme! Thanks!
I have one question, though: How do I make the header transparent in the main screen? In the screenshot I see that it blends in nicely with the background image, which looks great.
Now I feel stupid I thought that was just a color and disregarded it, but after a quick search I found out what the ‘a’ in ‘rgba’ stands for. My apologies and thanks for your patience!
Love this theme, stared on GitHub for sure. The best one I have found yet. Applied a couple tweaks with colors and transparency. Using this for a home dashboard in my living room. Took a picture of my fireplace and found the hex colors for the paint on my walls. So I was able to completely match my house. Looks sooooo slick. Thousand thanks!
Hey there just finished installing this theme its awesome thank you for sharing…
Is there a way you can provide the cards raw data for the second view? i would like to try it but i dont want to mess with my lovelace.yaml since i know im going to screw up.