Ip-ban on mobile is back, stronger than ever

so this is the most frustrating Home Assistant experience returned…

seems we need to be network pros to be able to even understand why this is happening continuously.
  banned_at: '2023-06-16T07:06:29.569420+00:00'
  banned_at: '2023-06-16T07:06:29.572528+00:00'
  banned_at: '2023-06-16T07:06:29.575346+00:00'

My HA instance is on wifi when at home, and NC cloud is auto disabled in that scenario. When I leave the house, Cloud is enabled so I can see my HA instance when away.

My phone is using HA NC cloud connection and it’s supposed to auto select either Wifi or data connection,. I have an automation that ENables NC Cloud upon leaving the house, as I dont want the cloud to be ‘on’ while we dont need it.

This went fine ever since the Supervisor security issue was disclosed, and I started using the Cloud automation.
Lately however… upon entering the premises, I get logged, and banned, and that is start of the daily cycle:

1- delete the auto create ip-bans.yaml (yes I have that enabled in http: as we are supposed to)
2- delete the existing mobile-app integration I HA settings (because my mobile-app name is different from my device name on the phone, which is used for naming the integration)
3- re-authorize the phone HA app
4 -rename the device name in the app
5- delete the integration that has been created now with the unwanted name
6 -swipe the phone, to have it rebuilt with the correct device name.

why o why can we not fix this correctly? it would eg be very nice to have an option to not auto-ban specific ip address (my phone has a fixed ip)

also. it would be so welcome if the mobile_app integration could remember my set name, based on its unique_id (which it must have) and not create the integration name based on the device name…,., got to realize all sensors it creates have the wrong entity_id and name because of this. Deleting it manually is the only option.

maybe other measures can be taken, I would be very happy to hear how to finally fix this, without opening up the system completely (not turn-off NC cloud, no auto ban)

btw, even when logged out, I keep getting notifications on my mobile…


Err…one of those is not right.

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thx, corrected that…

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and here we go again
  banned_at: '2023-06-16T18:01:10.949243+00:00'
  banned_at: '2023-06-16T18:01:10.960278+00:00'
  banned_at: '2023-06-16T18:01:10.965091+00:00'
  banned_at: '2023-06-16T18:01:10.969611+00:00'
  banned_at: '2023-06-16T18:01:10.974370+00:00'
  banned_at: '2023-06-16T18:01:10.979043+00:00'