IPMI Sensors

I have a Supermicro server and wanted to monitor the IPMI sensors within HA for future projects (UPS shutdown scripts, cooling automation, and general temperature/energy monitoring, etc).

After going down a rabbit hole attempting to use the SSH & Web Terminal Add-On to get IPMItools installed inside HA, I quickly determined that this was a futile effort. There were a few community add-ons like EvilMarty’s IPMI add-on here, but they weren’t quite what I was looking for (and I couldn’t find it in the Add-on Store any more.)

MQTT to the rescue!

This guide assumes you already have:

  1. A working instance of HA (obviously!)
  2. The MQTT and File Editor add-ons installed and running in HA
  3. A way to edit your YAML file, probably easiest through the “File Editor” extension.
  4. A motherboard with IPMI outputs that you want to bring into HA. (My guide is specifically based on a Supermicro board, but any IPMI equipped board that can be read using the Linux ipmitool command should work. You’ll just have to edit the commands to fit your specific data.)
  5. A separate container or machine to run a MQTT client with a Debian based Linux OS installed. I used a virtualized Ubuntu container installed in Proxmox, but you could probably spin up a Docker container or even a bare-metal machine like a Raspberry Pi. Either way, you just need a Debian based Linux distro installed (Debian, Ubuntu, etc). This guide assumes you are logged in via local user “mqtt” with sudo access, but you can adjust this guide to your local username on that machine.

Shoutout to sasukebinbin as a big inspiration. This thread was the starting point for my guide.

Other info I used:
MQTT Sensor Configuration Parameters
Templating to process incoming data
ipmitool Info
mosquitto_pub Info
Cut command
Awk comamnd

On to the guide:
Track down your IPMI IP address and login credentials.
I believe Supermicro boards default to the IP and ADMIN/ADMIN for the login and password. (If you haven’t already, now is a good time to change all of these for security.)
You’ll also need your MQTT credentials. These can be found by going to Supervisor --> Mosquitto broker --> Configuration
Screenshot from 2021-02-10 07-28-11

Spin up your container or machine of choice and make sure you have an updated Linux distro running. If you’re handy with Docker, you can install it on the same machine that you have your HA instance running on.

Install ipmitool and mosquitto-clients:

sudo apt install ipmitool mosquitto-clients -y

Now test your IPMI credentials and determine what information you would like to bring into HA, by running the following command:

ipmitool -I lanplus -H <IPMI IP ADDRESS> -U <IPMI USERNAME> -P <IPMI PASSWORD> sdr elist full

You should get something like the following, showing the readout from your various motherboard sensors and their corresponding IPMI data. Mine follows the format of:
Sensor | Address | Status | Sensor Data Record (SDR) Entity | Sensor Value

CPU Temp         | 01h | ok  |  3.1 | 36 degrees C
PCH Temp         | 0Ah | ok  |  7.3 | 49 degrees C
System Temp      | 0Bh | ok  |  7.1 | 28 degrees C
Peripheral Temp  | 0Ch | ok  |  7.2 | 39 degrees C
VcpuVRM Temp     | 10h | ok  |  8.1 | 38 degrees C
VmemABVRM Temp   | 12h | ok  |  8.2 | 32 degrees C
VmemCDVRM Temp   | 13h | ok  |  8.3 | 27 degrees C
FAN1             | 41h | ok  | 29.1 | 4100 RPM
FAN2             | 42h | ns  | 29.2 | No Reading
FAN3             | 43h | ok  | 29.3 | 2400 RPM
FAN4             | 44h | ok  | 29.4 | 2400 RPM
FAN5             | 45h | ok  | 29.5 | 2400 RPM
FANA             | 47h | ns  | 29.7 | No Reading
FANB             | 48h | ok  | 29.8 | 2500 RPM
FANC             | 49h | ok  | 29.9 | 2600 RPM

(You may have more or fewer entries, with different SDRs, depending on your motherboard. I’ve removed many of the less useful entries from my list above.)

Take note of which sensors you want to bring into HA, and their corresponding sdr numbers. In my case, I was interested in the following temperature and fan speed readings:

Name         | SDR Entity
CPU Temp     | 3.1
PCH Temp     | 7.3
System Temp  | 7.1
VcpuVRM Temp | 8.1
FAN1         | 29.1
FAN3         | 29.3
FAN4         | 29.4
FAN5         | 29.5
FANB         | 29.8
FANC         | 29.9

This command will return the sensor output from a single SDR:


For example, if you wanted the “CPU Temp” from my output, you would enter the following:

ipmitool -I lanplus -H <IPMI IP ADDRESS> -U <IPMI USERNAME> -P <IPMI PASSWORD> sdr entity 3.1

In my case, this returns:

CPU Temp | 01h | ok | 3.1 | 38 degrees C

Great! But we’re only interested in the actual temperature number, not the rest of the text.
You can concatenate the output using the cut command:

ipmitool -I lanplus -H <IPMI IP ADDRESS> -U <IPMI USERNAME> -P <IPMI PASSWORD> sdr entity 3.1|cut -d '|' -f5|awk '{print $1}'

Which returns:


The piped cut and awk commands first ‘cut’ the data out of the fifth column after the ‘|’ character, and then returns the first field within that last column, leaving you with just the numerical value.

CPU Temp         | 01h | ok  |  3.1 | 36 degrees C


 36 degrees C

which finally turns into


It’s difficult to tell, but there is a leading space after the first cut, but the awk command takes care of removing that if it is present.

Similarly, you can get the FAN3 speed with the following command:

ipmitool -I lanplus -H <IPMI IP ADDRESS> -U <IPMI USERNAME> -P <IPMI PASSWORD> sdr entity 29.3|cut -d '|' -f5|awk '{print $1}'

Which returns:


Ok, now that you know how to parse the ipmitool information, it’s time to wrap it in a shell script:
Create a script file with the following command:

nano /home/mqtt/ipmi-mqtt.sh

This uses nano as the text editor, and assumes you are logged in as local user ‘mqtt’. You can adjust as necessary, replacing nano with vim or your editor of choice, and replacing ‘mqtt’ with your local user for this machine. The user doesn’t affect anything with HA, just where your script is located on this machine.

Now paste the following text, adjusting for your credentials:

SHELL=/bin/sh PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin

for i in $(eval echo "{1..$NUMBER_OF_SENSORS}")
   PAYLOAD=$(ipmitool -I lanplus -H "$IPMI_IP" -U "$IPMI_USER" -P "$IPMI_PW" sdr entity "${SDR[$i]}"|cut -d '|' -f$CUT_COLUMN|awk '{print $1}')
   mosquitto_pub -r -t "${TOPIC[$i]}" -m "$PAYLOAD" -h "$MQTT_IP" -u "$MQTT_USER" -P "$MQTT_PW"

You can adjust the TOPIC names to whatever you want, and the SDR entities and cut values as necessary. Add/delete any additional/unused TOPIC and SDR pairs as needed to match your IPMI sensors, and adjust the NUMBER_OF_SENSORS variable to match. In my case, I’m importing the CPU, PCH, System, and VRM temperatures, as well as all of the fan speeds.
Most of the variables should be fairly self explanatory, but the CUT_COLUMN variable tells the script to look for the first field in the fifth column.

Once you’re done editing, you should have a shell script file with the appropriate headings, and a list of numbered TOPIC entries and corresponding matching PAYLOAD entries.
Exit and save. If you’re new to nano, “Ctrl+X” to exit, “Y” to save, and “Enter” to confirm filename.

Now make sure the file is executable by running

chmod +x /home/mqtt/ipmi-mqtt.sh

And adjust the permissions so only the owner can read and execute:

chmod 500 /home/mqtt/ipmi-mqtt.sh

Note, once you edit the permissions, you will need root level access to make any future edits, and will need to run the edit command with sudo privileges for your user:

sudo nano /home/mqtt/ipmi-mqtt.sh

Now create a cronjob that will run this script once a minute and update your sensors:

sudo crontab -e

If this is your first time editing the crontab, choose “1” to edit with nano, and enter this line at the bottom of the file:

*/1 * * * * cd /home/mqtt && ./ipmi-mqtt.sh>>ipmi-crontab.log

This will run your newly created ipmi-mqtt.sh script once every minute, sending your TOPIC and PAYLOAD pairs to the MQTT server to ingest in HA.

Again, “Ctrl+X” to Exit, “Y” to confirm changes, and “Enter” to confirm filename.

If you want higher resolution than one minute intervals, you could alternately run an infinitely looping shell script, use a cron scheduler with finer time intervals (like mcron), or set up your script as a more proper SystemD service.

Now that your newly configured MQTT client is sending the sensor payloads to HA, go back to HA and check the Mosquitto broker add-on page to confirm that everything is working correctly. Instead of going to configuration, this time click on the Log tab. After a minute or so, you should see a new connection from the client you just configured. If everything is working correctly, it’s time to set up sensors to use your new data:
Go to the File Editor and open your configuration.yaml file.
Under your sensor heading, add the following mqtt sensors:

#Server IPMI Sensors
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "CPU Temp"
    state_topic: "server_cpu_temp"
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "PCH Temp"
    state_topic: "server_pch_temp"
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "System Temp"
    state_topic: "server_system_temp"
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "VRM Temp"
    state_topic: "server_vrm_temp"
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "CPU Fan Speed"
    state_topic: "server_cpu_speed"
    value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.001) | round(1) }}'
    unit_of_measurement: 'kRPM'
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Front Fan1 Speed"
    state_topic: "server_front_fan1_speed"
    value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.001) | round(1) }}'
    unit_of_measurement: 'kRPM'
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Front Fan2 Speed"
    state_topic: "server_front_fan2_speed"
    value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.001) | round(1) }}'
    unit_of_measurement: 'kRPM'
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Front Fan3 Speed"
    state_topic: "server_front_fan3_speed"
    value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.001) | round(1) }}'
    unit_of_measurement: 'kRPM'
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Rear Fan1 Speed"
    state_topic: "server_rear_fan1_speed"
    value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.001) | round(1) }}'
    unit_of_measurement: 'kRPM'
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Rear Fan2 Speed"
    state_topic: "server_rear_fan2_speed"
    value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.001) | round(1) }}'
    unit_of_measurement: 'kRPM'

Change the names to whatever you want, but make sure the state_topic values match what you entered as TOPICs in your shell script file.
Since my server fans run at well over 1000 RPM, I used the value_template to effectively divide by 1000 to ingest the values as kRPMs, ie 2.4 kRPM instead of the raw value of 2400 RPM. It’s absolutely not necessary, but it keeps my Lovelace cleaner. If you don’t need to divide by 1000, you can just omit that entire line and use the raw value as passed from the MQTT client. Note: there is no native divide function, so you will need to multiply by 0.001 to have an expression equivalent to diving by 1000.

Once your yaml file is configured to your liking, save, exit, and restart HA.

When it comes back online, check your log files to make sure the MQTT client is connecting, and there are no issues with your yaml data. If everything went smoothly, you should now have a new sensor for each line you set up in the yaml file.

Now you can use these sensors in your automation scripts, or just throw in your Lovelace dashboard for monitoring:


Ive installed it in a docker using alpine thanks OP @IOT_Ninja

this guide assumes that you have a working Home Assistant & Mosquitto Broker

Create a folder for this to sit in and 2 sub folders

sudo mkdir /mnt/storage/docker/ipmi 
sudo mkdir /mnt/storage/docker/ipmi/compose
sudo mkdir /mnt/storage/docker/ipmi/Dockerbuild

after this in cd into the Dockerbuild dir

cd /mnt/storage/docker/ipmi/Dockerbuild

once here do a git clone of this repo by running this command

git clone https://github.com/nehabhardwaj01/docker-cron .

once that is done you should a few files in your Dockerbuild folder

we need to edit these to use alpine instead of ubuntu

so open up the dockerfile in notepadd++ or which ever text editor you use

#FROM ubuntu:16.04
FROM alpine:3.14.0
MAINTAINER Neha Bhardwaj

# Install cron
#RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y cron
RUN apk update && apk add ipmitool mosquitto-clients bash

# Add files
ADD run.sh /run.sh
ADD entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh
RUN chmod +x /run.sh /entrypoint.sh

ENTRYPOINT /entrypoint.sh

and paste this into to that file

then the same with entrypoint.sh


# Start the run once job.
echo "Docker container has been started"

declare -p | grep -Ev 'BASHOPTS|BASH_VERSINFO|EUID|PPID|SHELLOPTS|UID' > /container.env

# Setup a cron schedule
echo "SHELL=/bin/bash
* * * * * /run.sh >> /var/log/cron.log 2>&1
# This extra line makes it a valid cron" > scheduler.txt

crontab scheduler.txt
crond -f

if you are wanting it to run less then every minute you need to change the cron on line 11 use crontab.guru

and finally the run.sh

SHELL=/bin/sh PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
for i in $(eval echo "{1..$NUMBER_OF_SENSORS}")
   PAYLOAD=$(ipmitool -I lanplus -H "$IPMI_IP" -U "$IPMI_USER" -P "$IPMI_PW" sdr entity "${SDR[$i]}"|cut -d '|' -f$CUT_COLUMN|awk '{print $1}')
#   mosquitto_pub -r -t "${TOPIC[$i]}" -m "$PAYLOAD" -h "$MQTT_IP" -u "$MQTT_USER" -P "$MQTT_PW"
   mosquitto_pub -r -t "${TOPIC[$i]}" -m "$PAYLOAD" -h "$MQTT_IP"

in this file you will need to change a few things depending on your set up
i dont run a MQTT user name and password if you do you will need to # line 43 out and re use line 42
if you dont use an MQTT username and password also make sure to # lines 4 & 5
if you wish to use more sensors makes sure to change line 9 , and then adding the extra TOPICS and SDR which match your

to get your IPMI Print out of the sensors you can run the same command as in the OP

ipmitool -I lanplus -H <IPMI IP ADDRESS> -U <IPMI USERNAME> -P <IPMI PASSWORD> sdr elist full

You should get something like the following, showing the readout from your various motherboard sensors and their corresponding IPMI data. Mine follows the format of:
Sensor | Address | Status | Sensor Data Record (SDR) Entity | Sensor Value

CPU Temp         | 01h | ok  |  3.1 | 36 degrees C
PCH Temp         | 0Ah | ok  |  7.3 | 49 degrees C
System Temp      | 0Bh | ok  |  7.1 | 28 degrees C
Peripheral Temp  | 0Ch | ok  |  7.2 | 39 degrees C
VcpuVRM Temp     | 10h | ok  |  8.1 | 38 degrees C
VmemABVRM Temp   | 12h | ok  |  8.2 | 32 degrees C
VmemCDVRM Temp   | 13h | ok  |  8.3 | 27 degrees C
FAN1             | 41h | ok  | 29.1 | 4100 RPM
FAN2             | 42h | ns  | 29.2 | No Reading
FAN3             | 43h | ok  | 29.3 | 2400 RPM
FAN4             | 44h | ok  | 29.4 | 2400 RPM
FAN5             | 45h | ok  | 29.5 | 2400 RPM
FANA             | 47h | ns  | 29.7 | No Reading
FANB             | 48h | ok  | 29.8 | 2500 RPM
FANC             | 49h | ok  | 29.9 | 2600 RPM

use this information from your server to adjust the run.sh
if you dont have ipmitool installed you will need to run

sudo apt install ipmitool

when you have edited an saved these files you need to build the image ready to use

to do this make sure you are in the Dockerbuild dir & run the following command

sudo docker build . -t psp\ipmi_mqtt

make sure to change the name to something you want after the -t

this will build you and image to use

then to create an docker-compose.yml to use

sudo touch /mnt/storage/docker/ipmi/compose/docker-compose.yml

then open this file up in your file editor and paste the following

version: "3"
    image: psp/ipmi_mqtt
    container_name: ipmi_mqtt

be sure to change the image name to whatever you called it you can also call the container whatever you wish

once you have done this you are ready to build the container

you can do this by running the following command from inside the compose dir

docker-compose up -d

this will create and start the container assuming everything is correct

you can run docker ps to see a list of running containers and hopefully its there

all thats left to do is create the MQTT sensors in Home Assistant which can be done the same as the OP makes sure to match up from your run.sh file though

make sure to change your file paths in any of the commands above to match your system

thanks @nayneyT for the help



Hello IOT_Ninja,

thank you very much for providing this guide. It helped me getting started with feeding my IPMI data into homeassistant. :slight_smile:

I’d like to contribute something back for those stumbling across this topic and keen to get this up with MQTT discovery. Use case would be if you had to add multiple machines and would like to avoid configuring every sensor manually. Currently I only provide temperature data (but could be expanded with some bash programming knowledge).

So prerequsites are: you don’t need to configure any text file on home assistant. The only thing you need is a container (like described above) with ipmitools, mosquitto-client and jo installed. Download the script below and adjust the variables (like described above):

SHELL=/bin/sh PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
TOPIC[1]='Inlet Ambient Temp'
TOPIC[2]='CPU Temp'
TOPIC[3]='Chipset Temp'
TOPIC[4]='Chipset zone Temp'
TOPIC[5]='System Exhaust Temp'

IPMI_GUID=$(ipmitool -I lanplus -H $IPMI_IP -L User -U $IPMI_USER -P $IPMI_PW mc guid|grep -i guid|awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" } ; {print $2}'|sed 's/[[:space:]]*//g'|sed 's/[^[:alnum:]]/_/g')

init() {
  for i in $(eval echo "{1..$NUMBER_OF_SENSORS}")
     DEV_UID=$IPMI_GUID\_$(echo ${TOPIC[$i]} | sed 's/[^[:alnum:]]/_/g')
     echo $CONF_TOPIC
     PAYLOAD=$(jo -p device_class="temperature" name="$IPMI_NODENAME ${TOPIC[$i]}" unique_id="$DEV_UID" unit_of_measurement="°C" force_update=true state_topic="$HA_TOPIC_ROOT/$DEV_UID/state" )
     mosquitto_pub -t "$CONF_TOPIC" -m "$PAYLOAD" -h "$MQTT_IP" -u $MQTT_USER -P $MQTT_PW
     echo $PAYLOAD

run() {
  for i in $(eval echo "{1..$NUMBER_OF_SENSORS}")
     DEV_UID=$IPMI_GUID\_$(echo ${TOPIC[$i]} | sed 's/[^[:alnum:]]/_/g')
     PAYLOAD=$(ipmitool -I lanplus -L User -H "$IPMI_IP" -U "$IPMI_USER" -P "$IPMI_PW" sdr entity "${SDR[$i]}" | grep ' ok ' |cut -d '|' -f$CUT_COLUMN|awk '{print $1}')
     mosquitto_pub -t "$STATE_TOPIC" -m "$PAYLOAD" -h "$MQTT_IP" -u $MQTT_USER -P $MQTT_PW
     echo $STATE_TOPIC
     echo $PAYLOAD


Make the script executable and run it with

./scriptname.sh init

Then add it to a crontab like described above with the command

./scriptname.sh run

From now on your temperature is feed into your homeassistant

Regards, Michael

1 Like

Thank you for this nice tutorial!

Everything up until connecting to MQTT worked for me! I haven’t configured a specific login in the MQTT Broker Addon settings. Instead I’m using a local user that I added to HAOS and configured in the MQTT Broker integration. When I try to connect from my other device (Raspberry Pi with Raspian Pi OS), I get this error:

401: Unauthorized1644000662: Socket error on client <unknown>, disconnecting.
1644000662: New connection from on port 1883.
1644000662: Socket error on client <unknown>, disconnecting.

What can I do to fix this? Do I need to add the login credentials via the configuration of the addon?

Correct. If you’re using outside of HA, you need to setup local users per this guide and the Mosquito documentation.

1 Like

Hey guys, so I LOVED THIS TUTORIAL, but after creating the bash script, I realized I wanted to do a few more things and started modifying it (added extra servers, other sensor types) and I realized I needed some extra flexibility. So I ended up creating a small python program that basically does the same thing as this script, although with a yaml file to configure it.
I’m leaving the repo just in case someone wants to use it:

arankwende/ipmi-mqtt: Python app for IPMI states to be sent to Home Assistant via MQTT (github.com)

I hope it helps anyone as much as this tutorial helped me!

1 Like

Great tutorial! Helped tremendous to keep my fans under control vs power consumption through turning off VMs on Proxmox on my SuperMicro.
Quick one: In the IPMIView tool I can see power consumption data for the PSU but its not showing up with “… sdr elist …”. Spent a day digging through the internet trying heaps of commands, without success.
Any idea how to get to those?

Parsing the results may take a little more work (I can help later if needed), but replacing
sdr elist full
dcmi power reading
should get you started.

ipmitool -I lanplus -H <IP ADDRESS> -U <USER> -P <PASSWORD> dcmi power reading
Returns Instantaneous, Min, Max, and Average, Power readings, Time Duration, and timestamp.

Quick and dirty parsing code:
ipmitool -I lanplus -H <IP ADDRESS> -U <USER> -P <PASSWORD> dcmi power reading

Returns the following info:

    Instantaneous power reading:                   139 Watts
    Minimum during sampling period:                129 Watts
    Maximum during sampling period:                216 Watts
    Average power reading over sample period:      141 Watts
    IPMI timestamp:                           Tue May 24 19:39:41 2022
    Sampling period:                          01719499 Seconds.
    Power reading state is:                   activated

Piping that into an awk 'FNR==2' command will return the second line (first line is blank):

    Instantaneous power reading:                   139 Watts

Cutting out everything before the colon with cut -d ':' -f2 will just give you the value and leading spaces:

                   139 Watts

And finally, using an awk '{print $1} will remove the leading spaces and ‘Watts’ unit identifier:


Put this all together, and you have the following command to get your current power consumption:
ipmitool -I lanplus -H <IP ADDRESS> -U <USER> -P <PASSWORD> dcmi power reading|awk 'FNR ==2'|cut -d ':' -f2|awk '{print $1}'

This will return a numerical value in Watts, of your current power consumption.


actually had the dcmi power reading cmd but couldnt add 1 & 1 together until your post.
So, added a new shell script (ipmipwr-mqtt) with only one topic (server_power) and modified the loop. Added that file to crontab and voilà, got it in HA. Probably there’s a more elegant solution to use the same script (ipmi-mqtt), but hey it works.
Thanks a trillion!!!

Glad you got everything working!

Really thanks for this. I use this to monitor my servers status. Really helpful~

Would it also be possible to send a message using MQTT to have IPMI turn a server on? I was also trying to set this up using SSH to connect to a machine that has ipmitool installed, but I’m struggling with the ssh part. Using MQTT would be much better. I’ve got a Dell R710 I would like to control. I used to use the command ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U root -P password chassis power on

Instead of ipmi, try looking in to using the racadm utility over SSH to the idrac.

It could be done, but seems like a backwards way of doing it. Like @iridris said, the Dell specific RACADM utility would probably be better suited for your application.

Something along the lines of racadm -u <USER> -p <PW> -r <IP> serveraction powerup from a connected machine, or racadm serveraction powerup if SSH’d to the IDRAC.

Im running Home Assistant in a docker container on RPi4 and ssh from the docker container into the RPi4 to run the ipmitools power command.

Ran ssh-keygen on the pi
copied the public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the pi

copied the private key into the home assistant config folder (same one as configuration.yaml) in a directory I named ssh.

this is an example of the configuration.yaml I used

  server_power_off: ssh -i /config/ssh/id_rsa [email protected] "ipmitool -I lanplus -H <SERVERIP> -U <USERNAME> -P <PASSWORD> chassis power soft" 
  server_power_on: ssh -i /config/ssh/id_rsa [email protected] "ipmitool -I lanplus -H <SERVERIP> -U <USERNAME> -P <PASSWORD> chassis power on"

and made buttons on the dashboard with

type: custom:button-card
entity: ''
  text: '[[[ return `Are you sure you want to turn server off?` ]]]'
  action: call-service
  service: shell_command.server_power_off
icon: mdi:power-standby
name: Server Power Off
show_icon: true
show_state: true

I too struggled with the ssh keys part. it wasnt untill i added the public key into a txt file named authorized_keys in the .ssh directory that it finally worked.

hope this helps.

1 Like

Hello, I have a problem about two sensor that have the same adddress

CPU1 Temp        | 01h | ok  |  3.1 | 47 degrees C
CPU2 Temp        | 02h | ok  |  3.2 | 55 degrees C
System Temp      | 11h | ok  |  7.1 | 29 degrees C
Peripheral Temp  | 12h | ok  |  7.2 | 56 degrees C
PCH Temp         | 0Ah | ok  |  7.3 | 57 degrees C
P1-DIMMA1 TEMP   | B0h | ok  | 32.64 | 36 degrees C
P1-DIMMA2 TEMP   | B1h | ns  | 32.65 | No Reading
P1-DIMMA3 TEMP   | B2h | ns  | 32.66 | No Reading
P1-DIMMB1 TEMP   | B4h | ok  | 32.68 | 36 degrees C
P1-DIMMB2 TEMP   | B5h | ns  | 32.69 | No Reading
P1-DIMMB3 TEMP   | B6h | ns  | 32.70 | No Reading
P1-DIMMC1 TEMP   | B8h | ok  | 32.72 | 33 degrees C
P1-DIMMC2 TEMP   | B9h | ns  | 32.73 | No Reading
P1-DIMMC3 TEMP   | BAh | ns  | 32.74 | No Reading
P1-DIMMD1 TEMP   | BCh | ok  | 32.76 | 33 degrees C
P1-DIMMD2 TEMP   | BDh | ns  | 32.77 | No Reading
P1-DIMMD3 TEMP   | BEh | ns  | 32.78 | No Reading
P2-DIMME1 TEMP   | D0h | ok  | 32.80 | 45 degrees C
P2-DIMME2 TEMP   | D1h | ns  | 32.81 | No Reading
P2-DIMME3 TEMP   | D2h | ns  | 32.82 | No Reading
P2-DIMMF1 TEMP   | D4h | ok  | 32.84 | 44 degrees C
P2-DIMMF2 TEMP   | D5h | ns  | 32.85 | No Reading
P2-DIMMF3 TEMP   | D6h | ns  | 32.86 | No Reading
P2-DIMMG1 TEMP   | D8h | ok  | 32.88 | 42 degrees C
P2-DIMMG2 TEMP   | D9h | ns  | 32.89 | No Reading
P2-DIMMG3 TEMP   | DAh | ns  | 32.90 | No Reading
P2-DIMMH1 TEMP   | DCh | ok  | 32.92 | 42 degrees C
P2-DIMMH2 TEMP   | DDh | ns  | 32.93 | No Reading
P2-DIMMH3 TEMP   | DEh | ns  | 32.94 | No Reading
10G Temp         | 0Bh | ok  |  3.1 | 69 degrees C
GPU1 Temp        | 71h | ns  | 11.1 | No Reading
GPU2 Temp        | 72h | ns  | 11.2 | No Reading
Xeon Phi1 Temp   | 79h | ns  | 11.9 | No Reading
Xeon Phi2 Temp   | 7Ah | ns  | 11.10 | No Reading
FAN1             | 41h | ok  | 29.1 | 1350 RPM
FAN2             | 42h | ok  | 29.2 | 1350 RPM
FAN3             | 43h | ok  | 29.3 | 1350 RPM
FAN4             | 44h | ok  | 29.4 | 3525 RPM
FAN5             | 45h | ok  | 29.5 | 1800 RPM
FAN6             | 46h | ok  | 29.6 | 3750 RPM
FANA             | 47h | ok  | 29.7 | 1875 RPM
FANB             | 48h | ok  | 29.8 | 3525 RPM
FANC             | 49h | ok  | 29.7 | 3750 RPM
VTT              | 30h | ok  |  7.10 | 1.04 Volts
CPU1 Vcore       | 21h | ok  |  3.3 | 0.80 Volts
CPU2 Vcore       | 22h | ok  |  3.4 | 0.77 Volts
VDIMM AB         | 61h | ok  | 32.1 | 1.47 Volts
VDIMM CD         | 62h | ok  | 32.2 | 1.49 Volts
VDIMM EF         | 63h | ok  | 32.3 | 1.49 Volts
VDIMM GH         | 64h | ok  | 32.4 | 1.49 Volts
3.3V             | 33h | ok  |  7.13 | 3.26 Volts
+3.3VSB          | 34h | ok  |  7.14 | 3.36 Volts
5V               | 35h | ok  |  7.15 | 4.93 Volts
+5VSB            | 36h | ok  |  7.16 | 4.93 Volts
12V              | 37h | ok  |  7.17 | 12.08 Volts
VBAT             | 38h | ok  |  7.18 | 3.12 Volts
HDD Status       | 52h | ok  | 26.1 |
Chassis Intru    | 51h | ok  | 23.1 | General Chassis intrusion

CPU1 Temp        | 01h | ok  |  3.1 | 47 degrees C 
10G Temp         | 0Bh | ok  |  3.1 | 69 degrees C

How can use the address instead of the SDR ?


You can use sensor get <SENSOR NAME> instead of sdr entity <ID.INSTANCE> and adjust as necessary.


If anyone is interested I have implemented an ipmi connector integration for HAAS: GitHub - ateodorescu/home-assistant-ipmi: IPMI connector for Home Assistant



Saw this thread today. I’m working on a more efficient version to poll ipmi once and then loop through the calls to update mqtt. It will use the address, as mine also has duplicate IDs:

Ambient Temp     | 0Eh | ok  |  7.1 | 28 degrees C
FAN MOD 1A RPM   | 30h | ok  |  7.1 | 5640 RPM
FAN MOD 2A RPM   | 31h | ok  |  7.1 | 5640 RPM
FAN MOD 3A RPM   | 32h | ok  |  7.1 | 5760 RPM
FAN MOD 4A RPM   | 33h | ok  |  7.1 | 5760 RPM
FAN MOD 5A RPM   | 34h | ok  |  7.1 | 5640 RPM
FAN MOD 6A RPM   | 35h | ok  |  7.1 | 5640 RPM
FAN MOD 1B RPM   | 36h | ok  |  7.1 | 4320 RPM
FAN MOD 2B RPM   | 37h | ok  |  7.1 | 4320 RPM
FAN MOD 3B RPM   | 38h | ok  |  7.1 | 4440 RPM
FAN MOD 4B RPM   | 39h | ok  |  7.1 | 4320 RPM
FAN MOD 5B RPM   | 3Ah | ok  |  7.1 | 4320 RPM
FAN MOD 6B RPM   | 3Bh | ok  |  7.1 | 4320 RPM
Current          | 94h | ns  | 10.1 | No Reading
Current          | 95h | ok  | 10.2 | 0.88 Amps
Voltage          | 96h | ns  | 10.1 | No Reading
Voltage          | 97h | ok  | 10.2 | 116 Volts
System Level     | 98h | ok  |  7.1 | 119 Watts

Here’s my script, it’s now in the stage to customize the variable names and addresses (which I just started on):

SHELL=/bin/sh PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
IPMI_STATUS=$(ipmitool -I lanplus -H "$IPMI_IP" -U "$IPMI_USER" -P "$IPMI_PW" sdr elist all)

for i in $(eval echo "{1..$NUMBER_OF_SENSORS}")
   PAYLOAD=$(echo "$IPMI_STATUS" | grep "${FILTER[$i]}" | cut -d '|' -f$CUT_COLUMN | awk '{print $1}')
   mosquitto_pub -r -t "${TOPIC[$i]}" -m "$PAYLOAD" -h "$MQTT_IP" -u "$MQTT_USER" -P "$MQTT_PW"
1 Like

I tried and failed to get it completely working. I installed the add-on (verified running), then the custom-integration, and added it through the gui but it failed to start.

If I need to open an issue on github, let me know.