iRobot Roomba i7+ Configuration using Rest980


I have followed all your steps but sensor.vacuum doesn’t work for me. Is there any logs I could review?


no link? maybe you forgot it

I see, thank you so much! I have done the mapping and configured secrets and I see the switches there. I am just wondering if I can have a button that cleans all defined rooms in the defined order. That’s what I do in the iRobot mobile app - I have defined a favorite “tile” on the home screen with the expected cleaning order and I would like to have something similar in HA to be able to quickly start cleaning in the defined order without the need to select rooms one by one.

The order is already defined in the vacuum.yaml file in the group settings. Can I leverage it somehow?


I have new j7+ and I’ve checked and triple-checked credentials, reinstalled addons multiple times, but when querying http://:/api/local/info/state i keep getting {}.

Built-in integration has been removed but still the same issue. Any assistance will be highly appreciated.


sensor.vacuum is what you create in vacuum.yaml - if you dont see this (and there are no glaring errors in your log) then perhaps you havent added the packages line in configuration.yaml which “imports” the vacuum.yaml into your HA instance.


  packages: !include_dir_named packages

yeah touche… try here

if you have pre-defined list, then just use an automation and trigger from a button/event/script/etc
you can duplicate the scheduled clean and update the trigger settings

i have heard issues with the new j7+ using a new cipher… check this and see if it helps?

Hello @Syrius ,

I was able to get the password through script they described there and using packet sniffer (both match) but when configuring them on “rest980 Docker Image”, i can’t retrieve any information from it. Any other ideas?


Thank you Syrius. So you are saying that value: "bedroom,bathroom,hall,entry,living_room,kitchen,master_bedroom" defines also the order, correct?

From what I"ve read, in order to get the Roomba J7 working, we need to add the environment variable


I"ve added this to the Docker Compose file in the Environment section, but I am when I accessing the /api/local/info/state, It is still empty {}.

I’ve gotten the BLID and Password successfully for the J7, but I"m unable to talk to it due to the Cipher.

Any thoughts on where to go next?

i only get an grey box and it does not generate any new image files

its the same for both bots
what to check next?
those download the correct log for each bot and shows the floorlayout but no green tracks on it, and still no new image file

checking the maintainence section that is also acting up,

and clicking them do not change anything

a few windows to show where i got what

secrets yaml are in the root of config

i tried that and they are created again but in lovelace it says the same

I’m experiencing the same problem with the maintenance sensors. I don’t know when they stopped working, but they have been working fine for some months. I couldn’t get them working either.

Exactly the same problem here with the maintenance sensors. I think it started a week or two ago. Might possibly be related to one of the recent HA updates? I can’t say for sure though but it was always working fine previously.

I think there has something changed with the timestamp. The MQTT Explorer says:

{"timestamp_friendly":"Invalid Date","timeout":"10 days","timeout_timestamp":null,"timeout_seconds":864000,"severity":[{"color":"#bf4060","value":"-1 days","seconds":-86400},{"color":"#bfb540","value":"0 days","seconds":0}]}

But I don’t know what this means, because the date is correct in this case.

Yes it does, it’s entered in order in the automation.

I’m not sure to be honest… There might be something in a newer version of dorita980 that helps, I’m currently on vacation so can’t check right now sorry :disappointed:

Did you adjust the map size and offset ?

There’s an issue in the check button card - see here

yes, tripple checked

//$map_width = 3118; # Ensure overlay and wall images match this size
//$map_height = 4413; # Ensure overlay and wall images match this size
//$x_offset = 570;   #op ned  -Ned
//$y_offset = -505;  #Højre venstre -Venstre
//$flip_vertical = true;
//$flip_horizontal = true;
$map_width = 1050;
$map_height = 900;
$x_offset = 170;
$y_offset = 120;
$flip_vertical = false;
$flip_horizontal = false;

also if i open the image link for the bot named robert then it opens just the floor image but in the 1050x900 format so it does read the config

that helped, ie replace the file content, had to clear chrome cache and maybe also a reboot of HA

hmm just ran both bots and now both logs are gone and one bot has created the images… ie latestRobert and 1640183905Robert

the other has not… yet,

SUM up of today: it can now do the maintain items again
it can show the floorplan image but it does not write tracks even if provided with dummy data
if a clean is started the log is cleared, total empty
sometimes it do create the images but those are also just the floorplan with the roomba icon in upper left corner

Is there any fix to get coordinates from roomba i7 3.2… firmware?

not yet, i think we are all missing that part

we just have to wait, but be prepared that it will never get back

its always good to be a pessimistic person then you can only get happy surprised

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Thank you for answer, finger crossed that it will be back!

I have a j7 but how do you get the zone IDs using dorito980?

I extracted the password using Dorito980 but I can’t seem to figure out how to extract the zone IDs to use them in automations