iRobot Roomba i7+ Configuration using Rest980

Thank you for answer, finger crossed that it will be back!

I have a j7 but how do you get the zone IDs using dorito980?

I extracted the password using Dorito980 but I can’t seem to figure out how to extract the zone IDs to use them in automations

In iRobot app on mobile create new job for all rooms or for each room and start vacuum, then go: http://dorita/rest_ip:port/api/local/info/state and you will see: [{"region_id":"17","type":"rid"}]

What port is it? And how do I get Dorito980 to run for it to be accessible on http in a browser?

Just follow this steps: GitHub - jeremywillans/ha-rest980-roomba: HA iRobot Roomba Configuration using rest980

Not sure what I’m doing wrong. I put the blid, password and IP in the config and this is what shows up when I enter

Check port if port 3000 is correct

It is the correct port and I even see the Roomba logo for the tab. If I stop the addon and reload the page it doesn’t load suggesting it’s the correct link but nothing happens I see in the log that the state was pulled but again nothing happens

You have both addon running? You have copied all files in www/roomba?

Files from dorito980 Roomba folder? I don’t see a folder for the rest980 addon.

And what is both add-ons the php nginx and rest980? I can’t seem to get php nginx to find the
chown webroot files default was /config/vaccum.

Should I make a folder called vaccum in the config file and what should go in the vaccum folder the config.ini?

Still can’t get it to work.

@Danny2100 I think there is a problem with the j7. There was a discussion in this thread a few posts earlier.

Even though I have the password and blid already?

It’s something with the robot firmware itself causing the issue? As in it’s different from previous robots and isn’t compatible with rest980?

Compatibility with Roomba S9+?

Correct IP, BLID, password yet nothing happens in log. Error messages when writing the wrong password/syntax (on purpose). Connection to http://IP:3000/api/local/info/state established, text is present. The log in rest980 shows the following:

[email protected] start /usr/src/app
node ./bin/www
GET /api/local/info/state 200 111.115 ms - 5150
GET /favicon.ico 304 2.794 ms - -
GET /api/local/info/state 304 101.780 ms - -
GET /api/local/info/state 304 101.552 ms - -
GET /favicon.ico 304 0.979 ms - -

and keeps going…

If anyone has any tips, please help! Don’t usually post but I’ve been stuck on this for far too many hours :frowning:

Yes, yes and yes, but the code owner of dorita980 has baught a robot j7 to investigate the different behavior and hopefully fix it.

Sounds good hopefully it can get fixed

How can I install this I did not install homeassistant in a docker but directly on my nuc.

I can’t do npm installs :frowning:
or should I use portiner and if so how?

Yes: GitHub - jeremywillans/ha-rest980-roomba: HA iRobot Roomba Configuration using rest980

Would this work well on a Roomba 960? It was only mentioned a few times, but there wasn’t a clear answer on it.

I already realize that room selection wouldn’t work.

Also, can you still use the iRobot app concurrently?


My maps are no longer updating. They worked for while and stopped working. The vacuum.log and map.log are both blank.