iRobot Roomba i7+ Configuration using Rest980

OK, I deleted the integration.

Let’s start…
I installed roombapw and got the credentials of my vacuum cleaner.
I installed “rest980 Docker Image” :

I see this in the log…normal ?
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I also installed “php-nginx Docker Image” :
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I see a lot of stuff in the log :

I also created a “vacuum” folder in the config folder… and restarted HA.

Everything OK till now ? If not, help…
What’s next ?

Can you see a sensor.rest980 in the dev Tools? Have you configured the vacuum. Yaml, secrets.Yaml and the image.php for your environment?

Sorry, no…

Meanwhile I did step 3 (content vacuum)

Step 4 I did
Step 5: Get Room Details…I don’t see that in the app of IRobot (remember I have a roomba960) ?
Step 6: Configure Home Assistant Package and Secrets

I never used packages before. So I entered this in configuration.yaml :

  packages: !include_dir_named packages

And created a folder packages
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I put these 2 files in the folder : secrets.yaml vacuum.yaml

Correct till there ?

Only vacuum.Yaml inside packages folder. The secrets.Yaml in the config dir.

I already have one…merge it ?

Yes and you have to run a full clean with the Roomba app to get the numbers of regions and zones for your secrets Yaml. These can be seen at
HTTP:// your ha ip:3000/api/local/info/state

Under last command. You have to remember the order of the rooms during the full clean.

OK, I did the merge…but I get an error

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It looks like you have copied the entire html file into your secrets.yaml - you just need the content

open this link and just copy the contents of the file into your existing file.

make sure you are only copying the contents of the vacuum.yaml also.

That’s better :grinning:

Get this error : Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: Secret vacuum_master_passage not defined

Could you please help me out ?

I have everything working, the card is working and everything looks good. only thing is when i click clean rooms or the clean all button: nothing happens.

Here is the error i am getting in my logs:
Logger: homeassistant.components.rest_command
Source: components/rest_command/
Integration: RESTful Command (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 16:08:41 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 16:08:44

Client error

I do not see any errors in either my php, or docker image addons. when I type the commands for start, stop, and dock into my browser the roomba starts up just fine. Any clue’s to where the error probably is?

to get started…just delete that line. All in all you are missing the step where you need to record all of your rooms then correct that chunk of room names through all 3 files.

First the good news : the roomba-vacuum-card is working :grinning:

As said, I have an roomba 960. I initiate a full-clean of my house from the I-Robot app (I cann’t select rooms !) and in /api/local/info/state I only see this of lastCommand : “lastCommand”:{“command”:“quick”,“time”:1643618989,“initiator”:“manual”}
The cleaning was in 2 steps (roomba needed to go back to the dock to reload his battery).

So I tried it again, but this time only my sleeping room and pushing manually on the start button of the roomba…but no difference (“lastCommand”:{“command”:“quick”,“time”:1643642759,“initiator”:“manual”}) :roll_eyes:
Not possible with a roomba 960 ?

Can I still get a live roadmap? If so, how (I get one in the Roomba app) ?

Am I correct that the yellow indications below cannot be translated ?

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does your “clean all” button on the roomba main card work?

I don’t have that button…
My robot is docked, but I have the pause and stop button ?

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These buttons do nothing when clicking on them. When clicking on the Dock button, I get the double wrong tone.

hmm i have the opposite problem where no matter what i press i don’t get any actual roomba beeps or movement. Have you checked your logs for home editor? anything in there?

I have this mostly working, but having 2 problems.

  1. Not getting a map. When accessing http://ip:port/image.php I get an error saying no coordinates in the log file. The url to the log file is correct, it’s just empty.

  2. How can I tell the roomba to clean specific rooms as part of an automation using this?

it looks like you have an extra : in the line after 3000

Maps are not working currently due to change in iRobot Firmware.

Translated to another language you mean? If so, then yes you can - please check the lovelace repo for info

hmm, when its docked, you should have Full Clean, not Pause/Stop :thinking:

can you please post/DM your lovelace config for this card

If that line gets fixed for the extra : in theory your issue should go away.

Currently broken.

#1 and #2 are examples of how you use an automation to clean a room/set of rooms

Here it is ! I mentioned all parameters, just to learn what they actually do (I know I can ommit them):

type: custom:roomba-vacuum-card
entity: sensor.vacuum
mode: vacuum
name: Roomba 960
  startstop: true
  stop: true
  blank: false
  dock: true
  status: state
  mode: phase
  battery: battery
  clean_base: clean_base
  bin: bin
  maint_due: maint_due
  total_area: area_cleaned
  total_time: job_time
  total_jobs: total_jobs
  evac_events: evac_events
  job_initiator: job_initiator
  job_time: job_time
  job_recharge: job_recharge
  job_expires: job_expires
  tank: tank
  pad: pad
  status: Status
  mode: Modus
  battery: Batterij
  clean_base: CLEAN BASE
  bin: Vuilbak
  total_area: Totale opp.
  total_time: Totale tijd
  total_jobs: Tot.aantal jobs
  evac_events: EVACS
  job_initiator: Bron
  job_time: Tijdsduur
  job_recharge: Herlaadtijd
  job_expires: Job vervalt in
  full_clean: FULL CLEAN
  resume: Hervatten
  pause: Pause
  empty: Vuilbak ledigen
  dock: Dock
  stop: Stop
  tank: TANK
  pad: PAD
  missing: MISSING
  unavailable: UNAVAILABLE
  ready: Klaar
  stuck: stuk
  pending: pending
  charge: Opladen
  idle: Leeg
  empty: Leeg
  left_2: mode
  left_3: battery
  left_4: clean_base
  right_total_1: total_area
  right_total_2: total_time
  right_total_3: total_jobs
  right_total_4: evac_events
  right_job_1: job_initiator
  right_job_2: job_time
  right_job_3: job_recharge
  right_job_4: job_expires
maint: true
clean_base: false
totals: true
job: true
defaultTotals: true
autoswitch: true
robot_action: vacuum_action

That’s the problem, I don’t know wich match the yellow indications of my post above.

I see this error in the log :
Template variable warning: list object has no element 1 when rendering ‘{% if state_attr(‘sensor.rest980’, ‘softwareVer’) is defined %} {% set version = state_attr(‘sensor.rest980’, ‘softwareVer’) %} {{ version.split(’+‘)[1] }} {% else %} n-a {% endif %}’

Once started with the IRobot app, I can use the 3 buttons on the Roomba card.

@Syrius The extra colon was it! thanks i got it all working now. Any advice on where to get or create a layout of the house for image?