iRobot Roomba i7+ Configuration using Rest980

Great addon! Way better than the default integration. However is it possible to somehow make the line more ‘rounded’ instead of the current squared version?

I havent tested, but this should work in theory?

  - alias: Mop Notify on Stuck Status
    initial_state: true
      platform: template
      value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('sensor.mop', 'notready_msg', 'Fill Tank') }}"
      - service: !secret mop_notify
          title: "{{ state_attr('sensor.rest980_2', 'name') }} requires your attention"
          message: "{{ state_attr('sensor.rest980_2', 'name') }} needs some more gas in the tank!"

it shouldnt be like this be default? though, what model roomba do you have?

the line type should be determined by this line in the php file

Never mind, since my Roomba (I7+) updated itself the location parameters are gone and the map is nog generated anymore.

Thanks for your answer!

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Sorry to be this late on your reply :slight_smile: where do i put your script for the empty tank notifiy? i am little noobisch

I’ve love to get this setup… Does this not work with the I7+ now?

Hi there @Syrius,

Firstly, I want to express my gratitude to you and the entire community for all the work done thus far. I’m currently in the process of setting up the iRobot Roomba, and I’ve managed to integrate it successfully with Home Assistant.

I have a question that I couldn’t find addressed in the discussion:

I own a Roomba i3 model, and in the app, I can only have one map with the rooms defined. However, my apartment has two floors. If I regenerate the map, I’ll lose the rooms’ configurations. Is there any solution to address this issue? Specifically, I’m seeking a way to create multi-floor maps with room configurations intact.

thank you very much,

The i3 is not capable of learning more than one map. Unfortunately, it’s a hardware/firmware limitation so there’s nothing this integration can do to work around it.

It’s what I thought… I wanted to be sure I was doing all the steps correctly.

Thank you @mattenz

you can add this in the automation section of the vacuum.yaml file.
If you look on line 773, thats where the previous automation starts, so you want to take the above code and copy it in from line 780.

make sure you check configuration before restarting automations.

correct, mapping is broken now… :frowning:

Thanks for this HA solution for Roomba/Braava. @Syrius

A few issues after running a room clean via Lovelace, these “unknown service” errors show:

  1. The automation “Vacuum Clean Log” (automation.vacuum_clean_log ) has an action that calls an unknown service: shell_command.vacuum_clear_log .

  2. The automation “Vacuum Notify on Finished Cleaning” (automation.vacuum_notify_on_finished_cleaning ) has an action that calls an unknown service: notify.vacuumfile .

  3. The automation “Vacuum Generate Image after Cleaning” (automation.vacuum_generate_image_after_cleaning ) has an action that calls an unknown service: shell_command.vacuum_generate_image .

  4. The automation “Vacuum Delete Images” (automation.vacuum_delete_images ) has an action that calls an unknown service: shell_command.vacuum_delete_images .

Any ideas what needs changing to fix these errors?

Thanks for helping but if i paste the code on this line i get and error like this:

Configuration errors
Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: while parsing a block mapping
in “/config/packages/vacuum.yaml”, line 9, column 1
expected , but found ‘-’
in “/config/packages/vacuum.yaml”, line 783, column 1

Any info on how to uninstall this?

I switched to another vacuum and am trying to remove all the vacuum stuff.

Ive removed the rest980, cards, etc that were in use, but there are some rest services that remain. If I delete the secrets and vaccum yaml files in packages, HA won’t reload yaml configs because it has a section labeled restful command under dev-tools yaml which fails.

@Syrius, since update to 2024.5 my log file is flooded with error repeating every 3 minutes:

2024-05-02 19:07:29.037 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio.handler] Client error on /addons/39c40414_php-nginx/changelog request 0, message='Attempt to decode JSON with unexpected mimetype: application/octet-stream', url=URL('')
2024-05-02 19:07:29.037 WARNING (MainThread) [] Could not fetch changelog for 39c40414_php-nginx: 

Additionaly at start of HA one time error is logged:

2024-05-02 11:56:35.765 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio.handler] Client error on /addons/39c40414_roombapw/changelog request 0, message='Attempt to decode JSON with unexpected mimetype: application/octet-stream', url=URL('')
2024-05-02 11:56:35.765 WARNING (MainThread) [] Could not fetch changelog for 39c40414_roombapw: 

Otherwise eveything seems yo be fine… Any solution, especially to thes repeating ones?

Do you have a robot which supports mapping still? otherwise these automations can be removed as most robots no longer support this.

you might need to indent it to match the other lines - perhaps post your changes (or DM me) so we can review

have you deleted the yaml files? the rest services were created from within the yaml file so if its deleted, it should be removed? maybe use vs code or another code editor to search and see if its listed in a different file?

ive just published updated php-ngninx containers which contain a CHANGELOG file to fix this

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Perfect! Just installed update and all errors are gone! Thanks a lot for swift support!

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Does change in file sensor in recent HA 2024.6 make any influence on integration? I’ve seen that notify.vacuumfile sensor was converted automatically during setup and now has unknown value… Any extra steps required to make it working properly?

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I see this error in the File integration :

No such error in my case (though I removed manually this sensor from vacuum.yaml file):

# Notify

#    - name: VacuumFile
#      platform: file
#      filename: !secret vacuum_log

Yet this might not be the right action as while entity is created, its state remains unknown :frowning:

Add this to configuration.yaml:

    - "/config/vacuum"

After restart I created manually a File integration (I deleted it before…):

Like you suggested I removed the sensor in the vacuum.yaml file :

# Notify

#    - name: VacuumFile
#      platform: file
#      filename: !secret vacuum_log

And changed the syntax where the sensor was used f.e. :

#      - service: notify.vacuumfile
#        data_template:
#          message: "{{ states('sensor.vacuum_location') }}"
      - service: notify.send_message
          entity_id: notify.vacuumfile
          message: "{{ states('sensor.vacuum_location') }}"