iRobot Roomba s9 & Braava Jet Mop

You needed to type "notepad roomba.js` before pasting that in.

Sorry I am sure i am not doing something right or understanding please review this last cmd

Copy my latest roomba.js file to your clipboard. Press enter two times. Type notepad roomba.js. Press ctrl+a, then press ctrl+v. Close it, and run node roomba.js. What do you get?

You put an extra period at the end of roomba.js.

Sorry for all the trouble here is what happened.

I really think you should understand what you’re typing into the command line. Why did you add this?

where in the directions does it say to add :5 at the end of the command?

and in your previous one, you had syntax errors just running the command too. Please please please pay attention to what you’re writing in the console and this back and forth wouldn’t be needed.

You are right I really do not understand, you guys have been very patient with me I am sorry I do not mean to be difficult, would it be possible for you to send me step by step instructions? I did not mean to add anything extra to these lines or commands, I really do not know what I am doing in all honesty.

Again thank you for all of your help.


Would you be fine executing a bat file, which runs those commands in order automatically?

Yes I would thank you.

Sorry to let you down by my slowness, given that you’ve already spent at least 1,500 dollars. This should work (choose free download if you don’t want to pay):

I copied this file and saved it and ran it, please review results

Sorry for all this back and forth; I would have tested everything I posted myself if I had a Roomba.

If you come across this post later (after the deletion limit), here’s the raw file:
echo var dorita980 = require('dorita980'); > roomba.js
echo dorita980.getRobotIP((ierr, ip) =^> { >> roomba.js
echo   console.log(ip); >> roomba.js
echo }); >> roomba.js
node roomba.js

What now?

I’ll give this a whirl tonight when I get home. Is the goal just to get a few pieces of information? I haven’t read any documentation, I just got the roomba.

Yeah, you need an IP, a BLID (a type of code), and a password. For some reason HA can’t autodiscover those yet (from what I believe).

I need to retrieve this information to setup Roomba vac and mop devices, this is not Roomba username and passwords according to everything I read you have to run those scripts to retrieve this information? Again I am ignorant to all of this and may not be using the right terminology here is a pic of what it has to have to add it to Home Assistant;

You run the latest file to get the host. Then I give you another file to run to get the BLID and Password. What was the output of the latest file?

Here is the out put.

You didn’t download the latest file. First delete the old file. Next download the latest. Now try it.