Is a paid OWM subscription now mandatory for HA?

HA notified me that V2.5 of the OpenWeatherMap api is deprecated. Apparently I need to update to 3.0.

I already have an api key, but I can’t get it accepted in the OpenWeatherMap integration, neither with 2.5 or 3.0. I’ve logged in at and the api key is still valid. Moreover it also still works in Tasker.

Why can’t HA work with it? OpenWeatherMap’s documentation doesn’t clear it up for me. Do I need to change my free account to paid? Is that the only way now?

You will have to give them a credit card number but you’ll only get charged if you call the API more than 1000 times in a day. And you can also change the settings their site to not allow more than 1000 calls in a day so even if your HA goes bonkers you still won’t get charged.

Thanks a lot for your confirmation and explanation! And that is the only way? No credit card, no OWM in HA?

Yes that is correct. Refer to this thread for the discussion about it. Some solutions offered are to use a prepaid credit card or to switch to one of the other weather integrations:

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This topic really shouldn’t have been created at all. There’s the linked thread in the post just above mine which contains all the info, and which was created 2 days before this topic was created.

The pinned topic goes a long way to explain what to look out for before creating a new thread:


@mekaneck Thank you very much!

@ShadowFist I used the search function but found only threads from over a month old which didn’t answer my question. Don’t know why yours didn’t come up.

Thank you too for helping me out.

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