Is customising an entity in YAML equivalent to customizing it via the UI?

Following a previous question (and the great help of @petro and @datamonkey), I dug deeper in the customization (and naming) for my devices.
After a lot of thinking and tests, I finally ended up with the decision to keep a “technical” naming in the definitions of the devices in configuration.yaml (= a name which holds information about the sensor/device, its location, etc.) and then customize its friendly name elsewhere.

It will be easier for me to make this customization in a YAML file (I generate it programatically).

My question: is customising an entity in YAML equivalent to customizing it via the UI? And more specifically:

  • does it matter for HA (= does it makes a merge of the customization in its internal DB (updated via the UI) and the YAML content)?
  • is the YAML customization here to stay (or are there plans to scrap it and rely exclusively on the customization via the UI)
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