Is Home Assistant Cloud required to run local voice assistants?

I have set up the rhasspy Piper and Whisper containers and configured them with the Wyoming integration, and I can use the text-to-speech service to play things on my media players. That part works.

But I can’t set up a pipeline for voice because I’m blocked by a login screen for Home Assistant Cloud. I’m just wondering if this is by design, or if it’s a bug. I realize I can’t use any actual HA Cloud features, but I’m attempting to run everything locally and explicitly NOT use anything in the cloud.

I run google home assistant without ‘cloud’, it’s a bit of a pain to setup.


I’ve done the same. I’m just talking about that “pipeline” set up page in the settings.

Try clearing cache

No dice. Clearing the cache had no effect for me.

default_config: in configuration.yaml

When all else fails, read the documentation (more carefully).

You need to have:

# Example configuration.yaml entry

in your config (I do not have default_config:).

FWIW, I didn’t have it, either, but it’s now a depency of, e.g. esphome, cloud, voip, …

Whisper is only good for english.

What gave you that idea?

I stopped counting after looking at 30 language configuration options, and there were loads to go.

Portuguese fails often.

Pipeline timeout.

Whisper + CUDA works but no integration yet