Is there a list of super compatible Hardware?

That’s on the short side. I have battery devices pushing 3 years at this point. I don’t think any have been less than a year, and those were on the manufacturer’s supplied battery.

Yeah I have some that have lasted way longer (one door sensor is on year 2), my temperature sensors usually drop out at around 12-15 months. BLE plant sensors usually 6-ish months. Point was you don’t need to change batteries too often.

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There is no list because as soon such a list were compiled, it would be obsolete.

I personally avoid any cloud device, and smart lights.

Hey folks,

I would like to genuinely thank you all.
Now I know more what I want, what I should look for, what I should avoid,…
I know now things I didn’t know I didn’t know.
I actually get really excited by this new adventure.

Last but not least, I love this community already! Thanks!
I can’t wait to be experienced enough to be able to help and welcome new comers as well :slight_smile:

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Still a short runner :wink:

I really avoid battery powered devices were possible because as they run on the most expensive and dirtiest energy available. :battery::do_not_litter: It is also impossible to use locally available regenerative energies when opting in for non rechargeable batteries :sunny: :zap:

But I need to admit I made a good catch back in the year 2019 and got myself some reed switches which still run today with the battery they were shipped with (yes, around 2000 days of service already! That’s more than 5 years :muscle:).

The receiver obviously are esphome nodes :rocket:

Another thing that bothers me about the battery operated connected devices is that they can (and do) stop delivering their service at the worst moments (like when travelling). Actually I started already hard wiring some of these BLE Xiaomi Hygrometers so that they take 5V USB instead of the coin cell :hammer_and_wrench:

Might be a bad example as they are now forcing cloud accounts by the looks of it :joy:

Yeah, we get that you like esphome. I wouldn’t be too worried about Hue Zigbee devices, they have no internet connection (duh) and firmware updates are optional if you run Z2M.


I’m not because I don’t own any :wink:

From what I understand cloud account is still mandatory but you get options for data sharing. The nasty thing of all this as even when you bought your hue system (including the bridge) years ago - while it still worked completely offline - they now force you to come online :face_vomiting:

The funny thing is, you don’t need a Hue Bridge to use Hue devices :slight_smile:

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Can you please explain how Philips could force a cloud update or break functionality on Zigbee bulbs that are used with Z2M? I don’t get how, Philips has no clue that I even have bulbs from them. They are controlled purely local, and as I said firmware updates are optional.

Regarding to the quite extensive thread with 200 replies at the moment hue owners don’t look to happy about this. Mostly because people loosing functionality from what I understand :point_down:

Maybe you folks having your hue’s locally could help others escape? :running_man::dash:

But even then… will users get the “full experience” they payed for in the past? :man_shrugging:

So from what I understand if I have had made the “mistake” buying such a hue kit (like three bulbs and the hub) in the past I could now continue with a cloud account or as alternative go private/dark which would need a new investment (router/coordinator type of hardware) while at the same time loosing some functions? :thinking:

I don’t even give any manufacture the change to screw me over :joy: Not when buying stuff and not years later when they want a little more monetization from their (former) customers :wink:

Also one more thought about “super compatible” stuff is the quality scale of a integration :bulb:

So the tightest HA bonded things you can get use a “Internal :house:” integration (developed by the HA team) and make use of the superior “local push” :rocket:

You can spot this information on the integration pages, for example :point_down:


Quality is internal :+1: but only local polling :pinching_hand:


Local Push :+1: Quality “only” platinum :pinching_hand:


Quality is internal :+1: but only local polling :pinching_hand:


Local Push :+1: and Quality “Internal :house::+1: :trophy: :1st_place_medal:


Local Push :+1: and Quality “Internal :house::+1: :trophy: :1st_place_medal:

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But be aware! Looks like the newer “flic 2” products are cloud only, need a dedicated bridge and are not even compatible with the present HA integration :put_litter_in_its_place:

summa summarum

If you want “super compatible” Hardware go with something that allows privacy, sustainability and choice

The Open Home values: privacy, choice and sustainability

For me that is hardware based on esphome which has the tightest/best possible integration with HA and allows to be fully independent from the hardware manufacture :raised_hands:

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