Is there a way to recover access to v0.55.1 after updating from v0.55.0?

From Hassbian UI, I updated to 0.55.1 but as many people faced, I am also unable to access my raspberry box via SSH or hassio.local:8123 address.

I followed the instructions to fix SSH access from this topic but it didn’t work. Did anyone succesfully recovered from this situation?

The problem with 0.55.1 was related to HassIO (and Docker), other installs weren’t affected.

If you’re running Hassbian, you should still be able to SSH to your system, if you can’t then the problem is nothing to do with Home Assistant.

Tinkerer, thanks for response, I am a newbie so I am a bit confused after reading your response.

what is the difference of and hassbian? Aren’t both of them standalone operating system?
As I check the site, both of them can be installed to a raspberry individually, so which one is for what purpose? seems very similar as I read both descriptions.
I never installed hassbian. I only installed to my raspberry directly from the second link below.

Hassbian - Raspbian (Stretch) base, with Home Assistant installed by default. This is still Raspbian, with all that brings. - a ResinOS based Docker environment, where you don’t have direct access to the Home Assistant environment. A more appliance like experience. (in my opinion) is ideal for those who’re less technical, developers, and those who’re happy with the capabilities provided by the core of Home Assistant and the available add-ons. It however makes it largely impossible to use system commands (so command line components), and alter the platform.

Now, if you ran into problems on 0.55.1 with, there’s a thread that includes how to recover. Simply follow the solution.

This is all clear now Tinkerer, thank you for taking time to respond me in detail.