Is there a way to see what the esp chip is doing straight from powering it up?

It’s usually for switching power supplies to degrade.

Did you try another PSU?

Is that a metal box?
Because if it is then it might be acting as a Faraday cage.

Original power is just 120 volts via 4 cables feeding the circuit board that chip lives on.
It has its own little step down and rectifier.

Degrade would be bad since device came fresh bought from manufacturer, ran 2 weeks with original software and then i tried flashing it, different psu would be heck of a rig job but will look into it

Since box is a metal cage, they come with a pittail wifi antenna that u mount through a breakout so that it is outside of mr farraday

By the way, much thx that u guys keep trying. I really appreciate that

If you have a multimeter, measure the voltage pin on the chip.

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Good with the antenna, but you need a shielded antenna cable for the wire pull.
It is clos rot many power cables that all will cause noise.

Will try that

I am assuming the antenna is designed to for this application, especially since the other one that still aha the original firmware works like a charm

Nothing else expected! Some users sadly don’t get tired spreading FUD

It was not the antenna I referred to, but its placement.
We recommend that the radio USB sticks, like the skyconnect be moved away from the USB port chips due to electromagnetic noise from these.
It can be the same with an antenna and power cables.


Aren’t you realizing that you actively sabotaging @Darkyputz from getting help or is this just your intention?

Its sitting on a shelf now for a day or two on the original power away from disturbance cables and boxes…it des not much besides the power light.
I just notices that the power light varies intensity once in a while, like a faint flicker…could that be boot tries that failed? its the same flicker that happens when i touch the rst to ground. Should i try flashing the backup of the original firmware and see if baby works with that again?

That would be worth a try. But before you should check the voltage in the ESP 3.3/5V to have a clue if it could be related to power (issues) like already suggested (between the other FUD spreaded)

I meassured on the header pins of the board since the pins are glued over.
But here is the result
3.3 volt pin: 4.38 volts (26% to much)
5 volt pin: 4.87 volts
I am not sure if those are what was to be expected, but it is what comes out of the headers.
But i also have my new flasher and will try to redo flashing with that bugger
I will also crack open the working vue and will check voltage on the headers on that too…just to see whats up with that voltage

That’s not only 26% too much, but more like almost 50%. And it’s definitely NOT GOOD. If power supply of ESP is really 4.38V then you’re extremly lucky if esp still works, usually it’s coaster at such high supply voltage (or perhaps you measured wrong…?)

Very weak WiFi.

There were a few fake FTDI chips a couple of years ago. I know because I have one. The fact that he is connecting and getting a partial upload tells me that the FTDI he is using is probably OK. The slow or partial upload is almost surely a weak WiFi connection.

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Yes, this is a successful upload. If you run a serial monitor app on com3 you will see the boot activity.

RTS is “Ready to Send”. It’s used in the old RS232 protocol. The ESP tool is just using the RTS pin to “press reset” for you.

Wait? What? You are putting this device INSIDE a metal box? There is your problem. You still haven’t said what the device is or provided a link to it’s specs, but does it have an external antenna port?

I read where others are concerned with RFI from the power lines, to which I will reply, bullshtuff. Best is to just keep the antenna four inches away from ANY metal, otherwise your WiFi signal will be reduced.

Add WiFi level sensor code to your YAML:

  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: ${friendly_name} WiFi Level
    update_interval: 10s

This way you can see what the WiFi level is on the ESP. -70 is good, -75 is marginal, -80 is it might connect, and it might not.

I mentioned what it is several times.
Its an 8mb esp wroom, mounted on a manufacturer build pcb with the product name Emporia VUE2 and i try to flash it to esphome, following several instructions incl the official github source.
It is going into a metal box with punch out hole and manufacturer provided antenna cable and push out hole mount so that the manufacturer provided antenna can life OUTSIDE the metal box. A second, still original manufacturer firmware VUE2 is hooked up same way in same metal box and works flawless…especially since the wifi router is only 3 yards away in the same room.
Thx for the hint with the wifi siganl strength, i already have that in all my esphome devices…including this emporia one, even though it is not booting.
So today i then tried my just fresh delivered CP210x usb uart flasher, but i only get is

C:\Windows\system32>esptool flash_id v4.7.0
Found 2 serial ports
Serial port COM4
Detecting chip type... Unsupported detection protocol, switching and trying again...
Detecting chip type... ESP32
Chip is ESP32-D0WD (revision v1.0)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef calibration in efuse, Coding Scheme None
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: 34:94:54:fa:07:c4
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
WARNING: Failed to communicate with the flash chip, read/write operations will fail. Try checking the chip connections or removing any other hardware connected to IOs.
Manufacturer: ff
Device: ffff
Detected flash size: Unknown
Hard resetting via RTS pin...```