Am I missing some easy un documented way of doing this?
I see there’s a three year old FR for this, but it seems very odd that this functionality doesn’t exist. I’ve been working on a new dashboard to replace my original ui-lovelace.yaml and it seems very odd that after you create a new dashboard, there is no way to replace the default (uncustomized) dashboard for all users.
Dashboards are not assigned to users. They are assigned to devices. There are advantages and disadvantages to both ways of doing this. The devs have chosen one way. Will it ever change?
If you want to replace your default dashboard with your new dashboard you can copy and paste everything in the raw view from new to old.
Is there a process for making my default dashboard, which is currently ui-lovelace.yaml, and making it a UI configured dashboard? IE - how do I make the default existing dashboard a UI one instead of yaml?
Thanks but that post explains how to add a new dashboard that is UI configured, while I’m trying to convert my existing (default) dashboard to UI configured. It’s a slight difference, but the first would set the new dashboard as the default for all devices while the latter would require me to configure each device to use the new UI dashboard in the settings for each and every device.
Is my understanding correct? Or is there something else that I’m missing?
You go into your “new” dashboard, open the raw config editor, select all and copy it. Go to your “old” dashboard, open the raw config editor, select all, delete all and paste the code you copied in the “new” dashboard. Save and be happy!
This explains how to create a new dashboard in UI mode. I’m trying to convert my existing default dashboard to UI mode. As far as I can see, there is no way to select a newly created dashboard as the system-wide default dashboard.
Settings, dashboards, click on the dashboard you want then editor box appears, you can then set it as default, or make it supervisor only. Or did I misread what you were trying to do?