Is this some sort of weird april fools joke - crooked cards?

Can someone flag this as inappropriate and against COC?

What’s in a name…


Way to overblow this. Maybe you shouldn’t give your elderly grandma an home automation system? Or maybe you should work on your own home automation system from scratch instead of crying over crooked cards?

Bunch of snowflakes…

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Can we please refrain from name calling and keep it civil? Thanks.

He only affected something in JavaScript which renders how to display certain HTML-elements on april 1st. He did not had in the nearest access or control to any devices/entities/services people do expose to HA. As this will be far more difficult. So you are a bit over-saturating things, don’t you think?

“hope that this doesn’t dissuade Thomas from sharing further projects” …seriously???

This is a creation that Thomas willingly shares with the community off his own back. He then spends countless hours answering requests for help or improvements - a large number of which are from people who dont read the instructions or are in over their head with the code. Its the crap in threads like this which turn developers away…why waste their time giving something to others only to have it thrown back in their face.

If he decides to insert an April Fools joke, thats his choice - Its his creation!!! If you dont like it - Dont install from HACS or go pay someone to create a closed system for you. That way you paid for it, own it and have the right to complain.


Again, the Home Assistant project itself is innocent.

The fault is mine, and no one in the core team but me knew about this.

Also; everyone, please stop reporting mildly angry posts. Attacks and name calling is not ok, but venting frustration certainly is.


Can someone tell me how to fix this in the companion app? I updated card_mod and have it working in chrome on my laptop & phone. But using the companion app on the android phone it’s still crocked.

I don’t have any android devices, but here’s what I can find:

Close the app fully
Go to the device settings
Apps / app management
Find Home Assistant in the list
Select storage / storage usage
Select clear cache

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Thank you, I was just looking in the wrong place.

You started using home assistant 3 weeks ago, yet your profile on these forums is 3 years old.

You don’t even use dashboards but you installed a custom UI component that is only used to customize dashboards.

You sir, are a troll.


@thomasloven nice joke, I love it :+)
Don’t get why people are so annoyed!!

Anyway, if it was up to me, do it again next year, but maybe test upfront :-d

I was going nuts, my OCD was NOT happy. LOL

You do realize that this change is only to custom code. It is installed through HACS or via a custom download. It has nothing to do with HA core or supervisor code. Many times custom cards break on monthly updates. If you are using the custom cards you need to understand how they work and how to remove or fix them. I again feel this was a harmless joke.

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Not necessarily. I joined he forum and installed HA on a Raspberry Pi3 a few years ago. I was underwhelmed by the performance and overwhelmed with the complexity. I didn’t use HA for more than a year, but I never erased my forum ID.

This is not cool… i installed the update, restarted HA, and the problem still persist


Have you cleared your browser/app cache?

Look up the thread for advice on how. Here for Android, here for iOS, ctrl + F5 to force refresh in most desktop/laptop browsers.

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I cleared browser/cache and the problem persist :frowning: I had to disable the Minimalist Lovelace…

Ah, ok - I don’t use that, but I think an update has been released for it today as well. Worth a try, or maybe you have already updated? If so, I’m out of ideas I’m afraid.

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UIminimalist has an update, you have to update that as well.
EDIT: Chris beat me to the punch

Why can’t people just live with a bit of crookedness for a day? After nearly falling for several Twitter posts, in the full knowledge of the date, I nearly choked on my corn flakes when I saw the dashboard this morning! :laughing: Well done @thomasloven Actually thought it was something to do with the HA team as I remember @frenck lamenting the lack of easter eggs in HA in a podcast recently. Maybe he’d seen the code and was giving us a pre warning! :face_with_monocle:

Apart from being hilarious, it is a very good point by Thomas. How do we verify the plugins in HACS without becoming full Apple? :thinking: