Is this some sort of weird april fools joke - crooked cards?

Yes card mod. Or ui-minimalist if you run that.

Through HACS.

It was a poorly thought out joke by the developer of card-mod. He’s apologized multiple times, can you please calm down? Yelling isn’t going to help anyone anymore. He already knows he screwed up. At this point, just focus on fixing the flub up.

You can remove it. By upgrading or downgrading the card.


oh my god, I hate you, but its also funny.
You apologize, so its ok for me that I tried to fix it the last 2 hours… thx anyway for that great Home Assistant!!!

i thought i was hacked, started looking through my yaml before coming here to check. pretty funny :rofl:

I was making a custom component and thought i had messed some thing up !
Even LTT got me this morning !!


Well I thought this was great, made me laugh and I instantly realised it was a joke. Bravo @thomasloven

For all those getting salty, you use this software at the grace of the developers and all their time and effort. If you don’t like it, you’re welcome to remove the custom elements, or fork the code and maintain your own.


Well played Thomas - not happy with the negativity on here. The dude puts a lot of his own time into this custom card (and answering our cries for help)…cut him some slack. Dont think many on here could say that an April fools joke always works out 100%

I still remember in Primary school being sent for a 20 minute walk to the wood working class looking for a ‘left handed’ hammer. :rofl:


I appreciate all you have done for the community and think the April fool’s joke is a good thing, not a bad thing.

This should make users think before they install something and understand what effects the installation can have on their installation. Learning something new to me is always a good thing.

Same here! I cannot believe it was this. Great joke, I did not notice instability, just an OCD nightmare!

Glad some people here find it funny. For the rest of us… what kind of sicko thinks it’s a “joke” to mess with someones home automation system? Do you not stop and think maybe there’s dashboards being used with elderly people or that have been set up to help with family or others that are not technical? Just look at all the time you wasted from people trying to resolve this issue. You deserve all the hate you are getting as this is absolutely disgusting. I started using Home Assistant 3 weeks ago and was just starting to get the hang of us (I don’t even use dashboards), but the fact that this is possible had me wipe my SD card and tell Home Assistant to take a hike. Really disappointing too as I was enjoying using it.

Hey guys, for some additional ideas, maybe next year you could make everyones lights turn off when they turn them on, and turn on when they turn them off. Seems like some kind of sick joke you’d get off on. Or wait, I have a better one, why not set off someones alarm at midnight on April 1st!

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Yes, all the people who weren’t involved in the decision deserve the hate. Great message you’re sending here.

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My OCD was loosing it for a good 15 min till I realized what date it was. Halarious :rofl:


not necessarily hate but maybe a bit of perspective.

Stop circling the wagons and blaming the victims (not saying you are petro but others here)

Real people had real consequences from this.

Maybe it was just their time but most people find their time valuable and don’t think wasting it on others “jokes” is funny (and I’m sure lots of frustration so that counts for something too).


Haven’t had any issues, but glad I found this. Felt so dumb when I realized the date. Once I got it I found it to be quite humorous. I have a bad OCD where things need to be aligned just right, so this triggered it at first. I guess it’s what makes it more funny to me.

So what other crap have people put into their code for fun, at other people’s expense?

Time to start looking for alternatives, HA is stating to go the route that Wyze went down.

Bye. Thanks for your contribution.


That’s some Will Smith-Level shit right there.

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I had to do a double take when I looked at my dashboard, fortunately I realised the date; and then I laughed. Not sure what all the hate is for, nobody died or have I missed something?


So, blame the victim?
Because experienced HA users could easily fix it fast makes the many, possibly hundreds of cumulative hours that us lesser mortals wasted trying to see what we did wrong- this makes it OK to blame the victim? I like a good April Fools prank, but this went over the line. If there were a popup that said: “April’s Fool, click here to fix it”, or a simple message at the bottom of the page suggesting how to remove the joke, then I would have laughed and fixed the issue myself. Does it go away on April 2? How many HA users don’t log on to their system daily?

I accept the apology and hope that this doesn’t dissuade Thomas from sharing further projects.


Like, we should have known that there was a bug in the code set to trigger on April 1?

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Thomas, i never experienced the instability but also was pulling my hair out a bit after having spent quite a bit of time last night working on my dashboard configuration… i was trying other browsers etc trying to figure out what the heck would have caused such an effect! Well played sir… i salute your creativity! Now to go upgrade so i can get back to work :slight_smile:

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