Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA?

Looks great, would you be able to share your config?

For me it was the qbulk usb driver which needed to be replaced again with libusb, otherwise I saw the same behavior.
Check in device manager


How do I hide the blue top ha bar?

Maybe you just worded it weird, but you want to power down and then hold the buttons WHILE/before you power it back on.

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Once we have the device flashed, any additional software installed and all desired configurations finalized, is there a guide to capture the devices image/configuration to use it to flash additional like hardware devices or share with the community?

EDIT: I did find this guide on XDA:
(2) [GUIDE][HOW-TO] Fully duplicate a tablet to other tablets of the same model | XDA Forums

Is anyone aware of an all Windows solution?

Not possible AFAIK, this is due to the userdata partition being encrypted.

Could be scripted via adb given sufficient motivation.


Do note that the images posted do not contain a dump of all partitions on the device, i.e. any partitions containing unique device configurations (such as serial numbers or mac addresses).

Anyone wanting to seriously hack any of these devices should make sure to get a full dump either via edl rl --genxml dump or edl rf dump.bin for extra safety and ability to go back.
I did this before even booting up the device, so I have a completely clean factory dump.

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i havent been able to install google play store on 8.1. can someone point me to the right APK.
Out of all the APKs that I have tested, It complaints about some thing version too low (I cant remember the exact error sorry) I will try to get the error message shortly.

Canā€™t help with installing the play store, but what are you wanting it for that you canā€™t get through the Aurora store?

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Not possible on this rom for a variety of reasons.

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I just wanted to thank everyone who has been working on this. I have four of the ThinkViews up and running in my house, each with a custom display. This is the display in my office. Iā€™m using Fully Kiosk Browser and the WallPanel extension for a screensaver. The normal display just shows the weather and a calendar, but with the 3D printer is running, it switches to show the video of what is being printed along with the printer progress.


I just flashed a second device using the same ROM and it appears the Wi-Fi MAC address is the same on both devices which if obviously causing Wi-Fi issues. Is there a method to change the Wi-Fi MAC to something unique on my network? I found a few threads on how to change it with Busybox using the terminal, but all methods failed. Anyone have any insight?

Nice approach. How do you switch on and off the printing video? I would like to achieve the same for camera movement alerts if this is possible. Thanks

You can try this:

adb root
adb pull /vendor/firmware/wlan/qca_cld/WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini
edit the file (change the value for Intf0MacAddress) and save
adb remount
adb push WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini /vendor/firmware/wlan/qca_cld/
adb reboot


Iā€™m using the Custom Layout Card from HACs. You can specify named areas of the grid.

grid-template-columns: 45% 45% 10%
grid-template-rows: 410px auto
grid-template-areas: |
  "main1 main2 main3"
  "stat1 stat2 stat3"

I then use the Conditional Card to select between the cards that I want. In my case, Iā€™m using the printer stage entity from the BambuLab printer integration. I use two cards for each location, one is enabled when the printer is idle, the other when the printer is not idle.

For example, for the left hand location that I labeled as ā€œmain1ā€, I select between a weather card and the video from the printer. I have this:

type: conditional
  - condition: state
    entity: sensor.p1s_current_stage
    state: idle
  type: custom:clock-weather-card
  entity: weather.home
  temperature_sensor: sensor.weather_temp
    grid-area: main1
type: conditional
  - condition: state
    entity: sensor.p1s_current_stage
    state_not: idle
  type: picture
  image_entity: image.p1s_camera
    grid-area: main1
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Very coolā€¦ Thanks

Thanks for the quick reply and the clear instructions, it worked perfectly. For anyone else having this issue, I did have to wipe the cache partition as the system seemed to crash back to the Lenovo logo after boot.

To wipe the cache partition: press and hold the Vol+ button while powering on. to move the menu selector, use the Vol+ button and then the Vol- to select ā€œWipe cache partitionā€, then reboot.

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hm never heard of aurora store. how do i get it installed? im looking to install squeezelite player from google playstore.
Iā€™ll check out the aurora store

It came pre-installed on the original ROM. I couldnā€™t get Squeezeplayer to work because of the Play Store not being on it, but Iā€™m using SB Player without any issues.

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I donā€™t recommend squeeze player, if thatā€™s what you both mean.

Termux with squeezelite is prefereble. Termuxā€™s apk can be downloaded from fdroid, and then in termux type apt install squeezelite then you can just run squeezelite from the termux commandline.

To create a widget to start squeezelite with termux:widget

Squeeze Player has a long term bug where it increases volume at the end of each track. Very annoying.

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