Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA?

I did, sorry. I was growing frustrated the other day and missed correcting that sentence when proofreading before posting.

In the end I started from scratch with the Linux instructions in the OP and followed them to the letter up until the Factory Reset step. I cleared the cache from the same menu before and after performing the factory reset and I now have a working device! It is highly likely only one - if either - cache clear was necessary, but I wanted to be sure.

Eventually I’ll need to set up a dedicated dashboard, but for now this is working great!

Having trouble getting mine up and running. I can flash it fine, but I previously ran the XDA firmware and i think that’s messed things up?
I can’t get it to boot, after the animation it goes blank.

I have tried restoring the teams image but it says it failed to enter emergency download mode…

ah ok, will check it out. so instead of from fdroid or playstore, i should give termux a go

Unfortunately my config is split across several YAML files and the custom:button_card template, so it isn’t easy to share. I can share the config for any specific components you are interested in if you like.

Here are the relevant custom repositories:
Sidebar, Buttons, Tabs, Layout

kiosk-mode to hide HA toolbars

Playlist covers were created manually via custom:button_card and the auto-entities card populating them from a Jinja macros.


As of this morning, Virtualsoftkeys has stopped working on one of my ThinkViews. I cannot pull up the navigation bar anymore. I’ve tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it, but it isn’t displaying anymore. On reinstall, it went through the configuration again and had me make sure it had permissions, but then the navigation bar have never returned.

I’ve also starting having problems with the keyboard coming up. Sometimes it works (in Fully Kiosk Brower’s settings) and other times it does not come up at all (Aurora Store’s search box).

Any suggestions, or should I resort to trying to reflash the device? I’ve rebooted and cleared the cache, but that has not helped.

I had a similar issue after several days with both the virtual soft keys and keyboard when running Fully Kiosk on this device. Both started working again after I temporarily turned off Launch On Boot in the Fully Kiosk settings and rebooted.


Thank you. That seems to have fixed the problem.


I’ve tried using termux + squeezelite, but without success. When I start squeezelite, I get:

[09:50:30.761895] process:532 unhandled vers

The device shows up in Music Assistant as a squeezeplay device, but it will not play anything.

I’m using SB Player (paid app, $3.50, same license on multiple devices, never used it before a few days ago) also with Music Assistant. Bought it via the Play Store on my phone, then logged into the Aurora Store using my Google account and downloaded it. Working great for me. Also eliminated the need for a dedicated app for startup apps. SB Player can be setup to both start and connect on device boot, as well as then startup another app on successfully connecting.

I had tried using BubbleUpnp from the Aurora Store. Bought it on Google Play using my phone, downloaded it from the Aurora Store. It works, but refuses to recognize the license, so it dies after 30 minutes. I contacted them about how to get the license recognized and was told that without the Play store, I was out of luck.

I logged into the Aurora Store with my google account to download it, but it seems to do some funky checking on the license at runtime that requires the Play store to be installed.

Everyone seems to be recommending Squeezelite, but I can’t get that to work. Did you have license issues with SB Player?

I originally tried using SqueezePlayer (bought it and downloaded it, but it couldn’t verify the license since the actual Play Store wasn’t installed). Got a refund and tried SB Player based on a post in this thread. No issues.

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I tried SB Player just now. Nice.

This is great - got my unit a few days ago and was able to flash it. Thanks so much to everyone involved.
A couple of questions:

  1. I can’t get h.264 videos to play in HA - is this a limitation of the default WebView? Any way around it?
  2. What are people recommending in order to use it as a media player? I’ve seen recommendations for Fully Kiosk that exposes a media player to HA, Squeezelite, SB, and others. Ideally I’m looking for something that doesn’t require google services and can be installed from F-Droid, and that can also serve as a Spotify Connect target.
  3. I’m also having the famous sleep problem - works only once. I can get around it by pressing one of the volume buttons after every wake up. Has anyone found a good solution?

Hi, just found this project and I feel a bit excited. Before going to marketplace to buy some used part I would like to know few things:

beside the HA dashbard it can be used as:

  • smart speaker

  • assist satellite

Basically I’m asking if I can replace this with a regular google home device for listening music, browse some recipe and ask to turn on off lights.

It can be done?


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To workaround the sleep problem, check this

If you install Android 11 version I assume you can pretty much do anything you wish.

Not sure I understand - this seems to be a way to wake up the device based on proximity, but the problem is sleep, not wake up: I can always wake up with a tap, but after the first wake up it won’t go to sleep.

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Have you tried to play with these settings? I don’t have my device at the moment, but whatever settings I have will wake up the screen for 15 seconds when I wave my hand in front of it then will turn the screen off after the set duration is reached.

I don’t know where these settings are, but I’m not interested in waking up by proximity - I just want sleep to work more than once…

Details about this ROM

  • Android 8.1 Oreo

Specs speaks about android 8 not 11