Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA?

I must stop buying these! Just bought two more as spares which will bring my total to six. They will run out of stock at some point.


Your fault for buying them all. :smile:


Iā€™m going to flash Lineage on them all and sell them for $300 each! :rofl:

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So whatā€™s the deal with this Lineage? I installed 8.1 some time ago and just came back to this thread to hear about this new OS. Is this the one to go for? Simple to install?

I was content with 8.1 aside from missing the music/audio functionality through FKB.

Dang it, just put 3 more in my cart and hit buy before I could think about itā€¦! That brings me up to 6 as well, @pgale we are going to have to start a support group!

Looking at updating all of mine to Lineage next week after my trip this weekend, is there a full write up yet? Also, is there a way to recover the original MAC addresses that got wiped from the original 8.1 OS load?

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Lineage 15.1 is excellent - fixes ALL of the issues, bugs and gripes from A8.1 (of various flavours), A11 and PMOS (which is very promising if you want Linux but still has some issues to iron out)

Ooh, I miscounted, I will have seven! Not that itā€™s a competition but does prove you are right about the support group!


Great. Where do I start? I have one unit with 8.1 already installed, and another coming soon where Iā€™ll be starting from scratch.

Iā€™ve just spent the best part of two days writing up full instructions on installing Lineage 15.1 for Windows (and Linux although thatā€™s not had the love yet). Shamelessly taken from a number of contributors here and elsewhere (but credited) and expanded on. I wanted to write a fuller guide to installing Lineage 15.1. Do you want to have a look and see if it helps. And if anyone else can have a look to see if Iā€™ve got anything wrong. I just tested the full installation procedure on another device and it all seemed to work and make sense (to me). I also posted this on the various Discord servers for their feedback.

EDIT: The updated and expanded guide is now hosted on GitHub here:


Hi pgale,
Iā€™ve been following the Discord thread, and Iā€™m excited to hear youā€™ve had success. My next two (now up to five) Lenovoā€™s arrived, and Iā€™d like to try Lineage. I tried to access your instruction, but I donā€™t think youā€™ve shared the publicly. And, thanks for writing them up!!

Opps, errata, just tried again, all good. Know what Iā€™ll be doing this morning :slight_smile:

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ah great - I shared that doc via onedrive which probably isnā€™t the best way. Eventually it will live on a github page

Seems there might be an extra important step needed on brand new devices. If youā€™ve previously had Mattmonā€™s 8.1 installed, youā€™re probably OK but new devices seem to not be taking the recovery image (according to one user). Deadman is looking at it tonight so hopefully weā€™ll have an answer to it soon.

Yeah Iā€™m at four now (only really need three but the price was too good to pass on)

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Has anyone gone from A11 to Lineage yet? Any nuggets i should know or is it the same process documented above?

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Yes I think my first Lineage install was from A11. My docs should be ok for that. Still waiting to find out what else is needed for a brand new device install.


With lineage would we get auto updates as well or is that only for supported firmware and devices? That would sure be nice to get updates on these devices without having to do all this stuff as i assume itā€™ll be still going through some hardening in the coming weeks/months.

Also, have you tried with Wallpanel yet instead of fully kiosk? I dont wanna pay for fully kiosk on 3 different devices. Im a cheapskate.

This looks like the perfect device for me to replace a Pi with touchscreen. Iā€™m in the UK and sadly theyā€™re not cheap here (Ā£100ish).

No updates to the OS. Itā€™s an unofficial custom build so not officially supported.

Me too. I have 5 and another 2 coming.
I bought from Amazon US and shipped via a freight forwarder $40 per unit with $40 ish shipping (UPS or FedEx) for a single and $60-65 for two.
Never got charged VAT (or duty but that was below the duty threshold). My first two were more expensive from a US Ebayer.