Is this the perfect standalone tablet for HA?

Thanks. Will do later :slight_smile:


I just got Lineage installed on two TSVs using a Pi, no problems and Iā€™m really liking the look and the performance. Two questions:

  1. I prefer landscape mode but the navigation bar and app icons do not rotate. Any fix for this?

  2. I installed SqueezePlayer from the app store and itā€™s working great. Whatā€™s the best way to get it to auto start on Lineage boot up?


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I only use portrait as I prefer that so havenā€™t tried landscape much. I do see the issue with the nav bar though. The app screen doesnā€™t rotate either but apps do make use of it. I suspect some fiddling needs doing with the driver of config and thatā€™s probably one for the author of the ROM (heā€™s been absent from Discord for a couple of months unfortunately it seems).

I donā€™t use squeezeplayer but snapcast so canā€™t answer that one in relation to the app itself. Snapcast does have an option to auto start. You could try the free autostart manager app that starts apps after boot.

If you are using Fully Kiosk you can configure in the settings apps that should be started when fully kiosk starts - you can select squeezeplayer hereā€¦


OK, thanks. Hopefully development of the ROM isnā€™t finished.

Thank you, I had been aware of that feature but had completly forgotten about it.I had intended installing Fully Kiosk but got stuck on sorting out the autostart issue! Woking fine now with FK.


Iā€™ve left messages and will keep trying. I know theyā€™re looking at a much later version of Android but apparently a lot isnā€™t working.


This is likely fixable by editing build.prop/default.propā€¦ search through the files for ā€˜rotationā€™.

Should also be doable at runtime from one of any number of screen rotation apps.

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Thanks, Iā€™ll have a try with editing the file. TBH itā€™s not a big deal as Fully Kiosk will be the primary application as a front end for HA. Or else I need to get over my OCD and embrace portrait mode :rofl:


Having never done that, is it a case of opening up the zip file (for lineage) and modifying/rezipping? Or is there something else more fundamental that needs doing?

Let us know if you do try it and have success.

A little :bird: told me that @cloos may be working on some bubble card goodness for our thinksmarts.

Maybe heā€™ll stop in to confirm or deny this rumor :wink:

On a completely unrelated noteā€¦ Has anyone run into issues with bubble cardā€™s popup functionality on fully kiosk?

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Yes, he found a memory leak which is now fixed but waiting on him to release the next version. Should be quicker on our TSV :slight_smile:

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Hi! My current dashboard fits perfectly with the ThinkSmart without any modifications, and I will share it as soon as Iā€™m fully satisfied with it. However, like @mattmon, I have some (a lot of) issues with the pop-ups.


By fixing an issue with the haptic feedback feature, I found a massive memory leak in the sub-buttons actions. This was consuming the RAM and the CPU over time and was mainly noticeable on low-end devices like the ThinkSmart. This is what was slowing down/breaking the pop-ups!

I have fixed that issue and tested my dashboard again on the ThinkSmart, I can say that it is a lot faster and everything is working perfectly now!

I still have some work to do, but Iā€™m really glad that I found that issue before the release!

Edit: Damn @pgale you spoiled my little story :melting_face:


Sorry :pensive:

Looking forward to the next release. Will make a big difference :slight_smile:


Me too. HA + thinksmart + bubble card is a solution thatā€™s tough to beat IMO.

I think itā€™s finally time to upgrade my own thinksmarts to lineageOS and have a look at all the nee functionality in bubble card.

Really appreciate all the work that has gone into making these little devices awesome :slight_smile:

PS - have seen a screenshot of @Cloosā€™ dashboard in progress; all Iā€™m at liberty to say isā€¦ WOW :star_struck:


Bubble Card is so good for popups- using it extensively on all my dashboards on the TSV. Conditional popups via a trigger Boolean are cool too - camera, alarm clock and other screens popping up without having to navigate to another dashboard is very cool.

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Wondering if anyone found a well-performing config for the TSV for Frigate card (or more generally a setup to show cameras) with Bubble popups in FKB. Iā€™m using the lowest quality substreams via go2rtc but loading seems unreliable and sometimes causes FKB to crash. Played with various settings in Frigate card to no avail.

I have 3 thinksmarts runing lineageos and one of them keeps consistently losing wifi connectivity. Iā€™ve tried different wifi bands, factory reset it, etc. Anyone else seeing issues with wifi? It has its own mac address as well so its not related to that.

The Frigate card is definitely a big strain on the TSV. I tried it for a while but it was either way too slow to load elements or just didnā€™t load them at all. Basic functionality was OK but the playback features were the issue. Kind of to be expected though with a device that only has 2GB RAM and the Frigate card which is very complex.

I do run a single camera stream 24/7 on 5 devices currently and thatā€™s been super reliable. I played a LOT with options - several days solid, trying to optimise the camera streams. I ended up using as lightweight a card as possible and went for a simple picture glance card. This is showing the feed via the generic camera integration and the rtsp feed from a Frigate sub stream from a reolink video doorbell. This stream is 640x480 10fps and 1x I-frame interval. Thatā€™s plenty for me and these devices. I have a small-ish thumbnail feed showing on the main dashboard and a popup via bubble card which runs it almost as wide as the card. The popups are a little clunky but work fast enough. When Clooos releases the next version with the memory leak fixed, Iā€™m hoping for some better performance.

On the old TSV setup running Mattmonā€™s 8.1, it was fairly reliable but I had occasional camera disconnects. Iā€™ve since upgraded all TSV devices to Lineage 15.1 but most importantly moved Frigate from my Synology DiskStation DS1819+ (no GPU acceleration) to my HA machine running Proxmox and Docker. This now means I get GPU acceleration and it gets more RAM. The machine is a Lenovo ThinkCentre M710q Micro PC Intel Core i5 7400T 8GB RAM M.2 128GB SSD which I upgraded to a bigger SSD and doubled the RAM to 16GB. Iā€™m also running the Frigate 0.14 beta.

Performance is quite a bit better and Iā€™ve not seen any dropouts at all :slight_smile: I think this is probably mostly down to the change of Frigate machine with GPU acceleration and also beta 0.14 but Iā€™ve not tested individual steps.

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