Is this wifi switch supported? ANKUOO / MS6126

These don’t appear to be sold by Jaycar anymore. Does anyone know if it was replaced with something newer (couldn’t find a suitable replacement at Jaycar).

I have not found an alternative on jaycar. Functionally though you might look at the sonoff mini or the Shelly.

If only Shelly would certify in Aus…

Hey everyone. What happens if I disconnect my wifi internet. Will these MS6126 keep beeping for ever? Or will they recognise that there is no internet and stay in an off line state?

I believe you can desolder the buzzer/speaker and remove it from the board so it does not make any sounds on lose of internet.

If you do so, obviously make sure it is disconnected from mains power.

Ok yes could do.
Reason I as is we moving house and we have renters that may not have internet. Was just wondering if they beep and search for wifi forever?

Thank you . I now have a two way switch working with a MS6126

No worries. I got these MS6126 working on 2 way, 3 way and 4 way switching. :+1:

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Ciao Marco ho letto solo ora che sei riuscito a configuare un dispositivo Ankuoo ma non ho capito come fai? puoi aiutarmi?