iSmart Alarm

I really hope a skilled developer out there creates an integration.

I’m currently using IFTTT to send the status of my iSmartAlarm to Home Assistant. When I arm or disarm my alarm it can take 30 minutes before the status is sent, that’s unacceptable if you ask me!

Hi! You could just change your IFTTT trigger word to something other than “turn off alarm” :slight_smile:

Strange. “My” Alexa sends to IFTTT and onwards to iSmart Alarm within seconds…

Alexa and Google Assistant can trigger a iSmartAlarm action within seconds, however whenever iSmartAlarm is the trigger then the response can be massively delayed.

I would like iSmartAlarm to give me a timely update when it’s ARMED or DISARMED and via IFTTT it’s horrendously slow!

It’s been a long time since anyone’s added to this post however I feel that IFTTT Alarm Component is the answer we’ve all been searching for.

I’ve configured mine with the code below and it works flawlessly. You’ll also need to configure IFTTT applets to correspond to each trigger and also for status updates. All instructions are on the component page.

  key: XXXXXXX

  - platform: ifttt
    name: iSmart Alarm
    code: NNNN
    event_arm_away: ismartalarm_arm_away
    event_disarm: ismartalarm_disarm
    event_arm_home: ismartalarm_arm_away
    optimistic: true

I thought I would try to use IFTTT, but just get this:

The code is unclickable as well. Here is my yaml:

  • platform: ifttt
    name: House Alarm
    code: 1234
    event_arm_away: AlarmOn
    event_arm_home: alarm_home
    event_disarm: AlarmOff
    optimistic: true

The events are the trigger words in the IFTTT Webhooks - is that correct? or do I need the full URLs?

This I what I get too upon first adding it. To resolve use the HASS services to update the status and the panel will become active.

This get pretty annoying cause it happens on every reboot of Hass. To resolve I’ve an automation to save the status and restore it after reboot.

Below is the code i use to Save and Restore the state:

    name: Save iSmartAlarm State

  - alias: Save State
      platform: state
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.ismart_alarm
      - service: input_text.set_value # save iSmartAlarm state on any changes
          entity_id: input_text.input_text_ismartalarm
          value: "{{ states('alarm_control_panel.ismart_alarm') }}"
  - alias: Restore State
      platform: homeassistant
      event: start
      - service: alarm_control_panel.ifttt_push_alarm_state # restore iSmartAlarm state upon restart
          entity_id: alarm_control_panel.ismart_alarm
          state: "{{ states('input_text.input_text_ismartalarm') }}"
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Weird still not working for me :frowning:

Very odd… running the service as shown on my screenshot should enable the alarm panel even if you’ve don’t yet done the changes to ifttt.

Assume you’ve changed the entity_id to match yours which my guess would be home_alarm

Weird! I just did it again and it works!

I did upgrade to 0.83.1 though so maybe that fixed it :slight_smile:
I am pretty sure I didn’t do anything different!

Thanks for your assistance!

:+1: Glad to be of assistance

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I’ve just added the code i use to save and restore the state above: iSmart Alarm

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Finally got round to doing this - Works flawlessly. Thanks!

Also, added it to HomeKit and now the iSmart Alarm is HomeKit enabled.

Cheers :+1:

Can anyone confirm if the this integration is still working?

OK, I think I’ve found the problem. In the past IFTTT integration required the below automation to work properly:

  - alias: IFTTT Integration
      platform: event
      event_type: ifttt_webhook_received
        action: call_service
      - service_template: '{{ }}'
          entity_id: '{{ }}'

I’ve never had a problem in the past with that automation being present, however lately it seem to force the IFTTT Alarm state to always be an “unknown” state, causing the integration not to work. Since removing it, things are working again. YAY!!!

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Hi Folks
I’m gettin an Error “Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX” (==> Message in Homeassistant, Version 0.103.2)
I’m also confused about the api_password noted in the Webhooks. Where do I have to set this Password?

Any Idea how to fix

Hi Sebastian! Sorry for my english :slight_smile: im trying to integrate ismart alarm in hassio. I’m following your guide but im doing some error because every time that i restart hassio i loose the state of the alarm. I tryed to add the second part of code (for save the state) without success.
Can u help me?
Thanks Diego

I have the same problem as you, restart seems to lose state for me as well. It works but it’s it’s not the most reliable integration from my experience.

It is possible to integrate the alarm system into Home Assistant without using IFTTT ?

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looking for that too!
did you managed to add the ismart alarm to HA without IFTTT?