I found a much better option using dynu.com by koying here Add-on: Dynu DNS (alternative to DuckDNS)
I’m sharing my solution for getting an SSL certificate on Debian 10 even though your ISP is blocking port 80.
First install Certbot and acme-dns-certbot option. Instructions here:
Sign up for a free DDNS account here https://www.dynu.com/
Create a sub domain there.
Debian command line run: certbot certonly --manual --manual-auth-hook /etc/letsencrypt/acme-dns-auth.py --preferred-challenges dns --debug-challenges -d *.yourdynusubdomain -d yourdynusubdomain
Certbot will ask you to create a CNAME record like this: Please add the following CNAME record to your main DNS zone: _acme-challenge.yourdynusubdomain CNAME d2ebfc9d-d5a9-49e1-ad2-173cd919fe7a.auth.acme-dns.io.
At dynu.com go to DNS Records and add the CNAME record Certbot gave you. Put _acme-challenge as the node name, select Type CNAME, and put d2ebfc9d-d5a9-49e1-ad2-173cd919fe7a.auth.acme-dns.io (the URL Certbot gives you). No period on the end.
I also had to copy the SSL files to /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant because of permision problems.
And add
ssl_certificate: fullchain.pem
ssl_key: privkey.pem
to configuration.yaml
I tried to use duckdns.org but they only had the option to add a TXT DNS record. I was happy to find https://www.dynu.com/