Issue: math operations on value sensor trought template

Hello there,
I need to measure a differential voltage from an ADC reading through ESPHOME.
The two single voltage potentials are read by means of 2 adc channel
which are:


I would obtain an entity with the difference of this two value in order to get the difference potential
The helper " Combine the state of several sensors" offer just the “add” math operation
So I found this topic with similar issue

  - sensor:
      - name: "clim"
        unit_of_measurement: "V"
        state: >
          {% set clim = states('sensor.clim_AD2_2') | float - states('sensor.clim_AD2_1') | float  %}
          {{ clim }}

But it still doesn’t work…I get this error

Failed config

template: [source /config/esphome/clim.yaml:122]
  Component template cannot be loaded via YAML (no CONFIG_SCHEMA).
  - sensor: 
      - name: clim
        unit_of_measurement: V
        state: |-
          {% set clim = states('sensor.clim_AD2_2') | float - states('sensor.clim_AD2_1') | float  %} {{ clim }}

Surely it is a dummy syntax or config mistake
Somebody has any suggestions?

You are using Home Assistant’s Jinja templates in ESPHome… which will not work.

ESPHome’s Lambdas, aka “Templates”, are completely different. Post your ESPHome device configuration.