Issue with ZHA constantly initializing and failing

Yes, the Multiprotocol update in Jan broke something. My zigbee Devices randomly dropout. A restart is required to fix.

2024-02-24 14:37:46.534 ERROR (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Lost serial connection: ConnectionResetError(‘Remote server closed connection’)

2024-02-24 14:37:46.536 ERROR (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] NCP entered failed state. Requesting APP controller restart

2024-02-24 14:37:46.550 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher] Unable to remove unknown dispatcher <bound method GroupProbe._reprobe_group of <homeassistant.components.zha.core.discovery.GroupProbe object at 0x7f72dd9250>>

I am having this issue too. I just expected it to resolve itself, but a few months on I’m less sure. Have you found a fix?

I’m having the same issue with Sonoff Bridge running Tasmota FW. restarting HA make it work for ~24H but it ultimately fails.

How did you solve the problem? I have a similar issue.

Same issues here :frowning:
Any new informations?

I’m having this exact issue too now. What kind of corner cases are we?