It's Dead, I have lost the lot

Agree with your comment (as usual :stuck_out_tongue: ). I just like to add another point that most people tend to ignore when doing backups and that is testing your backups. I saw people doing automatic full system backups, thinking they were save, just to find out that when they try to restore the backup that it doesn’t work.


Yep, a backup strategy that has never been tested, is not a backup strategy

Edit: another point on the auto back up strategy is ‘how many do you keep ?’
I’ve seen people maintain (say) 20 backups, but the error that crept in occurred 21 days ago and they didn’t notice. Ooops !
When I create a backup “I know” it’s for something significant, I’ll name it accordingly and when I restore it’s from a state I know, so I don’t have to load 15 before I find the right one.


My SD card gave up in less than a week… Of course this was before I knew about limiting what the recorder tracks, but it was still enough to get me to jump ship and run it in a virtual machine on my server instead. Much happier in both speed and stability.

perhaps it’s worth to mention the at leas on the recorder’s documentation page?

At the top of each document page (top right, unless there’s a divider, there usually is) is an “edit this page on github” you just need a github login and you can submit a pull request for updates to the documentation.
Don’t say “wouldn’t it be nice” - Just Do It ! (other types of training shoe are available :rofl: )

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I know about the button, just wanted to get an idea if its worth to… :wink:
EDIT: here is the PR, have a look if interested.

OK so I have an initial setup running, and the first problem has come up, one of the reasons I don’t have a snapshot, samba share, i have set it up as per instructions and it doesn’t show up on my network, it’s just denying connections.

Any help?

Windows is terrible with finding things on the network. Just manually type in the IP address of the system

Having been using the virtual env on a Model 3 Pi since the release of that model, I too have had multiple SD card failures and a few on USB sticks. Converted to mySql some time ago but still had failures. Now booting of SD card but Root on USB HD drive. No fatal errors since but I am finding that HA goes non-responsive every few days and I need to power recycle the Pi. HA is used mainly for monitoring a ground source heat pump and has proved very useful for its fine tuning but I am considering getting a cheap laptop or suchlike and running a standard Linux on it. Sometimes I can access (slowly) via SSH but more often than not it will not respond to SSH either. I can usually ping the machine though!

Had a few interesting problems along the way including this one:

pi@hassbian:~ $ top
-bash: top: command not found

pi@hassbian:~ $ ps
-bash: ps: command not found
pi@hassbian:~ $
pi@hassbian:~ $ cd
pi@hassbian:~ $ ls
-bash: /bin/ls: Input/output error
pi@hassbian:~ $ mount
-bash: mount: command not found
pi@hassbian:~ $ sudo fdisk -l
-bash: /usr/bin/sudo: Input/output error
pi@hassbian:~ $ tail -f /var/log/messages
-bash: tail: command not found
pi@hassbian:~ $ sudo systemctl status [email protected]
-bash: /usr/bin/sudo: Input/output error

I have taken local backups so not completely disastrous but still a pain in the bum and it takes days to get back to where I left off.

The system log file shows nothing unusual. Anyone any ideas on what is causing HA to hang? I have two other Raspberry Pi’s running here and no issues with them. However, they do not do so much I/O to the SD cards.

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SDCard corruption or SDCard full. Usually you get those error messages like you have displayed when one of those 2 things has happened.

What are your integrations ?
Moe is a nodered fanatic :rofl: so doesn’t like to admit that it sometimes causes people issues (nothing to see here, move along :smiley: )


I saw nothing about node red, nor any issues with such. We are talking about what appears to be SDCard corruption or full disk.

Yeah I know, I’m just winding you up :rofl: I expected a fatwa to be issued.
I admire your restraint :smiley:

What makes you think he is the only one? :wink: lol


10 char limit

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Out of curiosity, are you running external power to the USB HDD? I’ve had that same issue before and it was because my rPi was experiencing drops in voltage when the HDD was experiencing a lot of I/O (usually from HA). As soon as I put the USB HDD on an external power source (in my case, a powered, external USB3 hub), I never had another issue with HA and/or the rPi becoming non-responsive.

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Generally people who suffer sd card corruption issues have 4 options.

  1. Move to an actual hard disk
  2. Move to an ssd
  3. STOP LOGGING EVERYTHING, turn you history off except for stuff you are debugging and minimise logging. What point is there in knowing what temperature your bedroom was at 22:00 last Thursday ?
  4. Buy lots of sd cards
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I log that kind of data, but mostly it’s to teach my family that they can save us (and by “us” I mean “me”) money and quit complaining that it’s “too hot” or “too cold”. LOL

The historical data also came in handy when I was planning out my smart vents and AC/heating system overhaul. I was able to show the installers where the hot and cold spots are in the house without having to use the words “it feels hot/cold in here”. I had a heat map built up from Grafana and Influx data that I handed to them. :smiley:

No, you’re right, reducing anyone’s carbon footprint is saving “us” :smiley:

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OK, So I have my SSD at the ready, but I don’t understand any of this, the guides are plentiful and look quite complicated. Is there a plan for an SD card style installation for usb booting?