It's Dead, I have lost the lot

It’s telling me I need to install jq, how do I do that. I thought I had done it but obviously not

It’s a 3b+

sudo apt-get install jq


now it says no network manager on local machine
[error] please set machine for armv7l

Sounds like the network is not up. Is it cabled to an Ethernet switch or router?

Cheers, I figured those ones out, now it’s telling me it cannot create a directory

edit: sticking sudo before bash seems to have done something

It’s installed I think, how do I give it a run command?

If it installed, it’s already running.

the last line is [info] run but i can’t find it

Use your web browser, go to http://IP_ADDRESS_OF_HA:8123/ and login.

Yeah, that’s what i’m trying but it isn’t there. I have a feeling it’s a scsi drive, I think I read that HA won’t boot from one.

Just connection refused


Home Assistant is running on top of another OS…HA has nothing to do with your scsi drive, and doesn’t care.

So check the services are running?

Check the docker images are running?

Sometimes, you have to step a bit outside your comfort zone and start Googling and troubleshooting.

I have been googling, it’s completely out of my comfort zone and wish it wasn’t so difficult, I have got so far with it but 3 days to get the thing operating and it can die at any given moment, or break because of an update. Essentially I love it when it’s up and running, but I just want to click go and it goes.

Frustrated reply BTW, I have a lot on my plate and my house no longer works. If I could just get samba up and running on the SD installation I will study the rest when I have time, a commodity that I don’t have at the moment.

But you chose to select the more difficult way of managing it, since you now have to manage the underlying OS.

Then why on Earth are you using a more advanced option of installing HassIO? Why are you not using HassOS??

The script that you downloaded and ran does a few things and they are human readable.

  • sets up the directories needed for everything
  • pulls down some service files and scripts to run
  • pulls in the hassio supervisor container
  • starts the services and hassio container

That’s it. There are 2 services tied to “install”

Read this section and the one below it:

systemctl enable hassio-supervisor.service
systemctl enable hassio-apparmor.service
systemctl start hassio-apparmor.service
systemctl start hassio-supervisor.service

sudo systemctl status hassio-supervisor will show you if the supervisor is running
docker ps -a will show you if the docker container is running

Honestly, if you are having this much trouble, I don’t know why you would go with Raspbian + Generic Linux Installer. If you don’t know how to manage a Linux machine, this is not the right path for you.

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I used to use Etcher but switched to the new Balena Etcher (or something like that).

Eventually it will, but I didn’t know this was a bad Idea, sorry for venting. I have invested quite heavily in HA, the house is in bits and I am in the process of burying tasmotised sonoffs everywhere and I thought the Haspbian route would allow me to tasmotise my tuya gear. This SD card crashing has rocked me.

I will try the hassos route for now and return to Raspbian when I have time and patience.

I did find this command, Docker PS and it shows me that hassio is running in docker.

Yep - went again yesterday…

3b+ and HassOS flashed to your HD/SSD is easy to try. You don’t have to edit anything on the SD card to enable the boot from USB. You just need to flash HassOS 3.8 to your drive and plug it in. The only issue would be a USB adapter and drive that the pi plays with nicely.

But I grabbed a random SSD and enclosure which worked fine:

Sabrent 2.5" SSD enclosure

Inland 480GB SSD

I actually got both at Microcenter, but found the enclosure on Amazon so provided that link.

Thanks, I seem to be up and running again. Still a long way to go, how I ended up down that path I don’t know. Hassos, if I only knew.

This is the drive I bought if you are interested

Oh nice! Make sure to test a reboot of the host as well. Some drives have an issue with that.

(hassio > system page then reboot from the host system card)