It's Dead, I have lost the lot

I initially started with a Pi3 running SD cards. But several dead cards later I switched to an SSD. This was working fine for many months reliably. But then one day recently it suddenly stopped working.

I still havent had time to look at what the problem is as I needed to get it up and running quickly so dug out a Bellink BT3 mini PC I had in a drawer. It was already running Ubuntu 18.04 so was quick to install and restore my backup.

I think this is the way to go. As good as the Pi is it just isn’t as reliable as a mini PC. The Mini PC also has more grunt (even though it’s only an Atom quad core). I even have it running a TV Headend server and it’s running with around 900mb free RAM and zero delays to automations etc.

Hi Phillip,

Yes I also think this is the right way to go. Raspberry Pi’s have their place but SD cards are too prone to failure.
As a point of note have a look at the Clonezilla project. It too is open source and a very well developed imaging/cloning software. It is not hard to understand and I use it if I am about to try something I may regret or have successfully added major functionality to my installation.

Sometimes our learning curve has to be steep, almost vertical on occasion. But with persistence and a tenacious approach to finding the truth we can come out better for the struggle.
As I’m getting all yodarish now I’m going to sod off!

Same here - attempting to balance resource usage of Ground Source Heat Pump (with its embedded 10kW heater) with the comfort of the rooms.

Some feedback on my latest experience (once up and running doh!)
Compared to when I first set HA up 9 months ago, things have moved on fast, things that were tricky back then have been a breeze. Configurator, MQTT, Node Red all a lot less fiddly, samba worked this time but I remembered what I did last time which was changed the IP range to
Duck DNS also simple though my port forwarding didn’t match the guides/literature. In fact the literature could do with a good updating for all of those addons.

I have gone through and copied my secrets.yaml file and slowly added sections from my original config.yaml and I have just about everything back in a fashion so it’s all good.

Nest isn’t playing though the least of my worries ATM. Lots to do now with lovelace and node red but that’s the fun bit.

Cheers All.

Oh and I will get on with some sort of backup tool ASAP

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You know this is an open source project right, what hinders you from updating them? :slightly_smiling_face:

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I didn’t know I could do that, what would hinder me would be confidence/stepping on toes of the developers of the addons.

I wouldn’t worry about that. 99% of the devs I’ve encountered here (and on Reddit as well) are VERY helpful and almost always willing to accept help, especially with documentation. As a developer myself, I HATE doing documentation. Like, I’d rather cut my own fingernails off with a dull, rusty butter knife kind of hate. :wink: So, if anyone ever offers to help me with docs, they become my #1 best friend in the world. LOL