I've found a working ethernet lan-only zigbee home automation (ZHA) coordinator on AliExpress


Just bringing an update, I ordered the bridge and I just linked my first device! For the people following this thread:

Firstly I just connected the bridge to an ethernet port and let it get an IP from the router. Once you have that IP navigate there on the browser and open the console, you will need it.

I followed partially the links sent in this thread, on this link I skipped the flashing part, and went straight to the point where the wifi is turned out and the TCP port is enabled. Then the bridge will reset and on the prompt will be shown that the port is enabled.

As last, I followed this guide from bullet #7, in which they explain how to connect the bridge to HASS.

Once you’re done, use the integration to add new devices and have them available in HASS.

Thanks a lot to @Arduous for the resources here listed and the research!!

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@TheoSl93 - Are you using this with Z2M or ZHA ?

I’m interested in a LAN based coordinator that will support ZHA.

We are using ZHA!

I have to say, I have been using a Tubezb Ethernet coordinator for over 2 years, never had any problem.


It’s funny to see how someone’s source of trouble it’s otherone’s solution!

For me and a couple of people here an ethernet based Zigbee router was the solution, maybe it’s not the best hardware or it’s a bit hacky, but still the best given the circumstances.

I think this post here, your reaction and all the research other people have done are the best for newcomers, who now can decide which one is the best solution.

Without your post I had never been able to implement Zigbee at home, though you regret it, thanks!

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I just implemented a cheap HamGeeks Ethernet Zigbee Coordinator with antenna for a home 200 miles from my HA server connected via VPN.

There was no hacking required and it worked out of the box with both Z2M and ZHA. Even though it’s remotely connected there is zero noticeable lag and it’s worked perfectly so far. The hardest parts were figuring out the correct syntax for my configuration and dealing with Zigbee client device quirks. Still dealing with those quirks.

Aight @TheoSl93 and @freetrader - I’ve removed my “solution” and edit. You proved me wrong.

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That looks awesome, but guess they don’t ship to the US? I tried to order one and it tells me there’s no shipping option for my address :frowning:

Hello again! It seems that I am unable to pair new devices! When the pairing is starting, my new devices are seen, they even work for a little while, a minute or so, and then become “Unavailable”. Are you able to add new devices on your side? TY!

Answering to myself… It seems that the radio migration that I performed when I swapped the coordinator from my Sonoff USB to the current Ethernet to ZigBee bridge left me with some side effects like the inability to finalize properly the pairing.
I bit the bullet… I removed the ZigBee integration and restarted from scratch. Tens of pairings later, I can confirm that the pairing problem is resolved.

Hey samuel,

Im running home assistant on a tablet and i dont want to put an usb stick in it for my zigbee devices.
Can you confirm that you can connect zigbee devices to home assistant with the hub from ali? Or do i still need a usb device like a conbee stick?

Also, what would you recommend to buy from ali.
The tasmota mqqt or the ewelink app? (I think tasmota mqqt but i’m pretty new😅)

Hello, I confirm that the above linked cheap AliExpress Ethernet<->ZigBee bridge (ZHA variant) works really well. No USB coordinator is needed anymore.

I am sorry if I ask something obvious or irrelevant, but here it is. It is about using this device as a Zigbee router over a LAN.

Some context first.

I started to install 1 month ago a Home Assistant system on a Raspberry Pi 4, with a Zigbee USB stick as the controller. They are installed in the living room to give an idea. I installed on it the ZHA integration and it works well.

My problem is that there are some thick walls in my house and that parts of the house cannot connect to the Zigbee network. I tried to install a Zigbee smart plug to act as a router, it can work but I have to put it at a strategic place, that is in a doorway, which is not convenient.

Because of the thick walls, I installed an Ethernet network in all rooms, so the LAN is available wherever I need it.

Now the question: I understood that I can use this device to route Zigbee packets over Ethernet. I would like to do exactly this, so that all my Zigbee devices are connected to the same coordinator (in the living room). Is it possible and how to do it practically ?

Do I need 2 of these devices, one connected to the main Zigbee mesh, and one in the remote part of the house, so that they interconnect both Zigbee meshes through their LAN connection ?

Or what ?

Thank you for reading my long question !

Unfortunately this is not possible.

Best you can do is add a bunch of quality routers to try and make the mesh dense enough.

Many handle remote locations by running multiple instances of Zigbee2MQTT, each connected to a remote coordinator, but they will be separate and distinct zigbee networks.

Ok, thank you for your answer. I might try to find a better router than my smart plug.

However, I don’t understand why this is “not possible”. I see no reason why one cannot implement routing Zigbee packets through an Ethernet tunnel. Moreover, the Zigbee works at OSI network level #3 (and up) while Ethernet is a level #2 and #1 protocol so implementing the Zigbee protocol over Ethernet should be possible.

Hi Mike,

As said here above, it is not possible to use this device. I’ve heard that there are Zigbee repeaters, which do nothing but increase the power of the mesh by just being in the network. That might be a solution to your problem if you are able to place them on strategic places.

Best of luck!

Theoretically possible?

No doubt, if you want to write a custom firmware for the zigbee chip and corresponding esp32 (or equivalent) firmware to push the data over ethernet. My guess is SI Labs ncp fw and multipan zigbeed would be a pretty good starting point.

But, no one has done so yet.

I see, that’s exactly what I meant.

That’s something beyond my ability yet, I don’t know much about zigbee firmware, too bad, and surprising, that nobody with the right skills found this useful… Thank you for the hints.

I was able to use ZB-GW03-V1.3 (the Aliexpress Tasmota hub) with Zigbee2MQTT. The key was to use the ezsp adapter in Zigbee2MQTT serial configuration:

port: tcp://hub_ip:8888
adapter: ezsp

Also you need to disable or delete ZHA integration before using Zigbee2MQTT. I did not change the firmware from the original firmware shipped by Aliexpress (Tasmota version). I did not configure MQTT on the hub itself, only the TCP Rx/Tx.


So you have a coordinator or repeater that communicates back to ha over the lan the ha sits on ?