Very cool. Tried it on an Alma Linux system with Python 3.9.18
It didn’t find my spa, it just sat with no output until ctrl-c.
So I changed spaIP=get_spa() to spaIP=“” and it worked.
Temperature: 37.77777777777778
Onzen: IDLE
BLower 1: OFF
BLower 2: OFF
Pump 1: LOW
Pump 2: OFF
Pump 3: OFF
Heater 1: HEATING
Heater 1: HEATING
Light: False
All On: False
Current ADC: 25978
Very good!! I have the Klondiker and Your code is perfect. i have to change some itmes…no SDS, but fogger and blower… and i need the other picture…i put it under homeassitant/arcticspas/klondiker.png and changed in the code of the card… but it don´t work… what ist my problem?