I am having this same issue! Lights don’t turn off when I turn them off when it’s in “switch mode”. I disabled all the automations tied to it, but it was exhibiting this problem immediately after I added the dimmer to the network. Once it’s out of “switch mode” it starts operating normally, so I don’t think it’s automation related.
When the light is on and i turn it off through the app i see this in the logs:
2024-04-25 07:00:53.459 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 016] Value updated: 38-0-targetValue 99 => 0
2024-04-25 07:00:53.460 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 016] Value updated: 38-0-currentValue 99 => 0
but the lights do not turn off.
when i try to turn them back on in the app i get
2024-04-25 07:02:49.989 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 016] Value updated: 38-0-targetValue 0 => 255
and then a few seconds later
2024-04-25 07:02:55.111 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 016] Value updated: 38-0-targetValue 255 => 99
2024-04-25 07:02:55.112 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 016] Value updated: 38-0-duration 0s => 0s
2024-04-25 07:02:55.113 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 016] Value updated: 38-0-currentValue 0 => 99
could it be related to this? Automation: Call Service, zwave_js.set_config_parameter Not working - #3 by freshcoast
i have that setting 32 available on the dimmer.
here’s the info page: Z-Wave JS Config DB Browser