Similar to the Alarm project, I’m just looking for a way to show off a clock big enough to be seen from 3/4m.
I have a wall-mounted tablet that is now showing off my lovely lovelace dashboard
I tried iframing some website, showing of markdown with sensor.time (couldn’t render it)… but unfortunately it’s not good enough.
I have a special request…bc I’m barely js literate. I can read some but writing it is over my head.
I dig your clock, but I don’t need the seconds and I was hoping to request a change to the font and background pic.
A dream come true would be with a weather widget…so:
But I could live without the weather.
I love this flip clock that was on the HTC HD2 back in the day.
Could you help out with the heavy lifting (js)? I could do the background mockup. It’s basically a dark gray or black semi transparent background with the white squares where the time font should be overlayed.
%-I display, i.e. 3:12, use %H instead if you want 03:12.
For the weather widget, if you look at the 2nd banner badge (version 2.1 here ):
That has weather icon and temperature, same idea can be used for weather widget/clock. I used - type: state-icon with sensor.pws_weather_1d from WUnderground but their icon won’t scale any bigger though.
Depends what card you are using, in picture-elements, for example, you can try to increase the font size in the state-label, style, font-size. Screen size creatures a different challenge, you may want to test out different units to see what works best, like %, vw, hw.