Just Status of a contact

Hi all, first post!!
Is there no way to read just the status of an actuator contact in HA.
I’ve tried a binary sensor but it doesn’t seem to allow binary!

    - name: "Cliona Heating On/Off"
      address: "1/4/0"
      state_address: "1/4/0" 

Tried to the above code without the address line but that doesn’t work either.

Can you elaborate what exactly you are trying to read and what is not working?

KNX Binary sensors don’t allow address asvtheycare read only. KNX - Home Assistant

Basically I’m just trying to view the status of a binary switch only.
When I add it to the dash board it still has a switchable toggle.

Now that you edited your yaml in the first post: you are configuring a light. You want to configure a binary_sensor instead.
So it should look like

    - name: ...
      state_address: 1/2/3

in your configuration.yaml

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