Kaku rfxtx 16 dgit ID as Light device (not as Switch)

Referring to “Old rfxtrx kaku components and no proper ID”, I hava a related problem.

My KaKu (Klik aan klik uit) remote generates a 16 digit ID (0710010042010070) for the receiver. This ID also works for the (newer) dimmer lightswitches.
HassIO determs this 16 Digit ID as a Switch device.

Configuring HassIO with a 24 digit ID (0b11000500bc0cfe01010f70) Light device, and learn this into the receiver, this also works.
This gives me the ability to set a dim level directly and is the way I like to use it.

The problem is, when configuring a Light Device with a 24 Digit ID, there is no way HassIO knows when the lights are set to on by the remote. There is no relation between these two ID’s.

Is there a way to use the 16 Digit ID from the remote to set it as a Light device in HassIO? (and not only as a Switch device?)

I tried using the 16 Digit ID in the Light section, but this does not work.