Old rfxtrx kaku components and no proper ID

Good afternoon!

I´m new to homeassistant and trying to set up. I succesfully set up a newer kaku switch/light.
I did it as advised: adding switch/light component in configuration.yaml, and setting automatic_add : True for the rfxtrx platform.
For the newer kaku components i got an 24-digit ID in return and this works fine:

      name: ganglamp

For the older kaku components (with a switch to select A, B, D or D) I got only 16 digit ID in return from the automatic add function in the home assistent states screen. In the log it shows like:

17-04-02 07:36:33 INFO (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Automatic add a2 rfxtrx device (Class: LightingDevice Sub: 1 Packet_id: 0710010141020170)

As instructed I used this ID in the configuration.yaml file:

    name: wklamp

and using this 16-digit ID in the configuration.yaml file sadly results in an error like this:

17-04-02 17:15:59 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Invalid config for [switch.rfxtrx]: Rfxtrx device 31337163788408 is invalid: Invalid device id for OrderedDict([(31337163788408, OrderedDict([('name', 'wklamp')]))]) for dictionary value @ data['devices']. Got OrderedDict([(31337163788408, OrderedDict([('name', 'wklamp')]))]). (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/switch.rfxtrx/

I understand there are 8 digits missing. The automatic feedback for the older kaku components only returns 16-digits and there are 24 digits necessary.

After this I tested the rfxmngr program on windows. I succeeded operating the older kaku components using:
packettype : Lighting 1
subtype = ARC
sequence nbr : 0
housecode : A
unitcode : 2
Command = on

Can someone help me generate the right ID for this older kaku components? Finding the missing digits?
I need to understand the logic to generate the missing digits because I want to use 8 old kaku receivers.


The older ones use a different protocol. The id 0710010141020170 is correct.


Hello rtvb,

I´m happy the id is correct but if I use it in the configuration.yaml I get an error.
Should I add fields to the correct code I got from the automatic_add?
I do not fully understand the code you refer to.

What info is in the code 0710010141020170?
Can you explain which info has to be added/ changed?

Should I add a prefix before the : 0710010141020170
Like 0b : for the packet lenght, 10 : for Lightning1 and then? Maybo also add a suffix?


Add quotes around the id

Daniel/Robert; I tried quotes;

  platform: rfxtrx
  automatic_add: True
      name: wklamp

This resulted in:

17-04-03 11:03:24 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Invalid config for [switch.rfxtrx]: Rfxtrx device ¨0710010041010170¨ is invalid: Invalid device id for OrderedDict([('¨0710010041010170¨', OrderedDict([('name', 'wklamp')]))]) for dictionary value @ data['devices']. Got OrderedDict([('¨0710010041010170¨', OrderedDict([('name', 'wklamp')]))]). (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/switch.rfxtrx/

I don´t understand how home-assistant can insert the command (on, off, dim …) in a quoted text?
Any other tips?
