Keep ha dashboard open on newer echo show 15 without sideloading anything

I managed to setup the boolean, create the automation, discovered boolean it in Alexa, but get stuck in setting up the routine.
I’m not able to find in WHEN: “alexasilk opens”. I can only select from a predefined list that the routine wizard gives me.

Any thoughts?

Alexasiilk is just what I called it. Did you expose it in ha to skexa? Did alexa discover it.? The on routine when - smart home- choose alexasilk

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Yes I also called it alexasilk in HA. Alexa discovered the boolean and the toggle in Alexa interacts with the toggle of input_boolean.alexasilk, so that all seems to work fine. But then setting up the routine in Alexa, how did you do it?

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Thanks @Littlejoe so the problem is, I don’t see alexasilk as an option when selecting SMART HOMEm, like you do. Is there anything specific I need to select for the alexasilk HELPER in HA in order to make sure that Alexa discovers it in the right way?

Do you use naba casa? If not then you’ll have to use a workaround that more complex. They are mentioned here. Home assistant and Alexa without Nabu Casa (and AWS if possible) One uses node red and a 3rd party persons site. The other uses alexa skills. I just paid for nabu casa. For the voice assistant integration. Sorry

once silk is open on the Echo Show how did you start the automation?

The automation is set in ha and runs evey 10 minutes. It turns off input_boolean.alexaselk then back on

  - service: input_boolean.turn_off
    data: {}
      entity_id: input_boolean.alexasilk
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 2
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: input_boolean.turn_on
    data: {}
      entity_id: input_boolean.alexasilk
mode: single

thank you, I think I may have got this to run

Thank you for the video, it helped

I’ve tried this method and it works, the only problem is the Echo Show makes a bit of a beeping noise every time the automation runs. Even if I set the volume to 0, it turns it back to 1 notch of volume when alexa needs to respond to the command. Anyone have a workaround for this?

Are you using the dashboard skill?

No, haven’t set that up yet. Currently just telling alexa to return to silk. Does using the dashboard skill fix this?

Yes. It’s better

I have a IP camera stream in the HA dashboard; this keeps Silk open on the Echo Show

I use the ‘‘My Page’’ skill to open the desired HA Dashboard on the Echo Show.
( MyPage : Alexa Skills )

And after adding the web adress to ''My Page" I create a routine in the Alexa app:
Routine name: ‘‘example’’
When this happens: Alexa, ‘‘example’’
Add action: ‘‘open My Page and load page 1’’


Wham am I doing wrong.

I have gone through all the steps in the previous posts and setup dashboard viewer.

I get stuck with the routine in alexa app.

It does not respond to the input boolean. Turning it on and off in HA or the Alexa app turn it on or off in the other so the link seems to work between Alexa and HA

I set up the routine and when I click the play button to test it it works displaying the dashboard.

The automation runs and turns the input boolean off and back on and this changes in the alexa app.

But the routine does not run. The dashboard is not displayed or refreshed so it stays on.

Any ideas?

Did you setup the skill? Do you have alexa setup as voice assistant via nabu casa?

Can also try what other have said and add a live stream to your dash then just open silk to it and see if it stays on. I never tried that nor would I want it always running.

Yes I set up the skill and that seems to be working as expected.

I don’t have nabu casa. I am using the manualy setup Haaska skill.

This works for everything else and the device does show up in alexa as expected.

I might try the live stream but wanted to have the control over when dashboard stays on. not all the time.

Not sure need the delay and volume part but this is my exact routine and automation

Mine looks the same but does not trigger.

What are you using to connect HA to Alexa.

Nabu casa , emulated hue , Haaska skill?