KeyMaster Z-Wave lock manager and scheduler

I installed the Kwikset CH-620 Z-Wave, without problems, despite the documentations. :wink:

Thank you for the recommendation.

Which ZWave server are you running? I personally switched to the ZWave-JS UI one so that I could directly inspect what the codes in the slots are.

A few times I’ve seen issues where there was another slot with the same code I was trying to set, or at least the first 4 digits were the same. I know that on Kwikset locks (or at least the older ones) the first 4 digits have to be unique for some messed up reason, so, while you can have codes that are longer (up to 8 digits) they’ve killed off a large portion of the PIN space by doing that.

If you’re running the HA ZWave-JS (which is what gets installed by default when you add the ZWave integration) then you would need to turn up the logging on it and try resetting the slot code and watch the logs to see if it complains of a code already in use.

A lot of the time codes getting stuck are because the UserCode command class is missing and the lock needs to be re-interviewed. Why I always recommend to install ZwaveJS UI.

No idea. How could I tell? And, how would I switch back and forth?

You don’t stick to ZwaveJS UI.

You’d be missing the Command Class called UserCodes from the list.

As @firstof9 states, you don’t switch back and forth. I recommend using this post on how to switch to ZWave JS UI and retain all your names and configuration.

Sorry for slow reply, I’ve been getting over a nasty cold.

This is what I see when I check dev tools

And what’s the error message in home-assistant.log ?

Interestingly enough I ran the HA update 2023.2.2, a day ago, and suddenly the notification started coming to my HA mobile app on Android when the lock is used. It must not have loaded the scripts and automations after I fixed the entity names.

I am seeing the following in the logs though:


Also, when the lock is manually cycled the notification is showing as Manual Lock (user for Code 1) and I’m not sure why that is occurring, when the old behaviour was to just note the lock was manually cycled.

Any ideas?

“Already running” is fine you can ignore those messages or set the script to parallel mode.

This is what the lock is reporting. Manual lock/unlock and then it sends what slot, usually slot 1, it’s a firmware thing.

That worked amazingly. Thank you

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At step 8, when you say to copy in the generated dashboard configuration, is that the file MY_DOOR_lovelace that you are referring to? And if so, you just write it over the 2-3 lines that are there by default when creating a customer dashboard?

That’s what I did but I’m getting this as a result:

So, I guess it’s the proper place and right file but there is something incorrect for sure. Missing file somewhere?

Looks like 2 different issues to me.

  1. Verify that you have the following in your configuration.yaml under the homeassistant section:
packages: !include_dir_named packages
  1. Check the wiki again for the extra front end components you need to install via HACS

You will need to restart your HA if you’ve had to add the packages declaration.

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Yes, I finally find the right wiki and have it working now.

Thank you.

@FutureTense and others who help with their experience, I have nothing to complain about.

I just want to say, Thank you!

(I have settled on the Kwikset HC-620 Z-Wave. It requires no other software besides KeyMaster.)

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Hi all,

Recently I changed my phone name and I’m getting below error. Where can I update “notify.mobile_app_johnny_s22_ultra_app”?
“config/automation/edit/keymaster_frontdoorlock User Notifications” in GUI I also get warning?

keymaster_frontdoorlock User Notifications uses an unknown service
The automation "keymaster_frontdoorlock User Notifications" (automation.keymaster_frontdoorlock_user_notifications) has an action that calls an unknown service: notify.mobile_app_johnny_s22_ultra_app.

This error prevents the automation from running correctly. Maybe this service is no longer available, or perhaps a typo caused it.

To fix this error, [edit the automation](/config/automation/edit/keymaster_frontdoorlock User Notifications) and remove the action that calls this service.

Click on SUBMIT below to confirm you have fixed this automation.

The automation is fine, fix your manual notifier script.

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Thank you for pointing me into the right direction. For any one else having same issue it was in /homeassistant/scripts.yaml

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Hi all, just got keymaster up and running for 3 VE479 schlage locks and after a bit of some fumbling its now working, using the parent with 2 children feature and codes ‘connected’. I did have some follow up questions hoping maybe someone can help with

  1. I set up several locks such as ‘front_door’ and ‘garage_door’. When getting notifications they dont look the nicest. Any way to set up some sort of ‘Friendly Name’ so it would instead say ‘Front Door’? I suppose this may be more of ‘how do i modify my manual notify script to make it display the lock name nicer?’

  2. I saw there is auto close feature and I can set the time outs, great stuff. I didnt see anywhere in documentation two things
    a. What are the default values for the daytime and night time ones? (ie what time of the day does it switch)
    b. Is there a way to modify this?

  3. Back on the notification stuff, Im using the basic manual notification script provided in the wiki. In addition to the fact the names doesnt look at nice (friendly names) I saw that sometimes I get repeat msgs. Especially if I use the ‘door notifications’ feature (i have my alarm system set as my door sensor for the 3 doors). When on, the door didnt move and it kept sending a ‘door closed’ every few minutes. Not sure if this is how its supposed to work? I assume its when the door opens or closes it would notify me?

Anyhow thanks again all!

There’s no restrictions on the naming of the lock, the only thing is for " " (Space) use “_” (underscore). If you’re chaning the lock names after the installation, make sure the names match on your scripts.

Yes you can find the defaults on the lovelace tab for KeyMaster, the lock icon. You can also find it in helpers, in helpers it is “Day Auto Lock HH:MM:SS” and "Night Auto lock HH:MM:SS) You can see and change the value both on lovelace and in Helpers.

You probably have lock, door, and garage notification on or a combination of two. You can turn notification on or off on lovelace or in helpers.