KeyMaster Z-Wave lock manager and scheduler

I actually tried following that before, but I don’t see a “logger.set_level” at all in my list. The closest I have is “logbook.log”. Is that the same thing?

No, it should be in your list.


Is there something I need to enable?

Maybe your advanced mode is off in your profile:

That was my first thought too, but it’s on.

just a wild guess but maybe you removed logger?

try dropping this in your configuration.yaml:

  default: warning

Yeah, I don’t think I removed it - I don’t recall it ever being there. I went ahead and added it back into my configuration.yaml and I see it in my list now.

What version of lock-manager have you installed?

It says v0.0.34 in the info screen.

And what does your latest lovelace UI look like?

Or do you need to see the code?

No, that’s what I want to see. And that’s incorrect. Delete it and paste the generated lovelace again

Hmm, I did actually do that after I updated the component - is there anything I should do to get it to regenerate that file?

Edit: weird - now it shows differently

PIN status shows as “Connecting” for the 2 codes

When you update, you have to regenerate the lovelace code. Open the lock-manager integration and press submit. Then use that file to make the new view

Edit: ok, it looks like you did update the lovelace after all. Just not what you posted before.

Ahh, that’s what I didn’t do the first time. I do see the updated interface now, but my two codes appear to be “Connecting” PIN status.

Expand the debug section on the PINS in question and post a pic

I assume you restarted HA already. But your PIN sensor isn’t working. Do you have a timer named something like frontdoor refresh lock node? Is it active?

Yep, restarted a few times now just in case.

Is this what you’re referring to?

Yes. Click start, then click finish