Keypad w fingerprint sensor


I am looking for a HA compatible keypad that can accept pin entry or fingerprint and trigger HA so I can open up a motorized door lock. Don’t need the whole lock + keypad system like Nuki since the door already has a motor which I can control via HA.

This is mainly because I have small kids which will not remember pins, so I need a simple way which would allow them to enter the house, hence fingerprint sensor idea. Don’t like various remote buttons since this would be on the outside and anyone that finds it could use it.

That being said, I am also open to ideas like (not limited to):

  • separate fingerprint sensor and keypad, e.g. maybe mobile fingerprint sensor I can remove completely once kids are grown up
  • security camera or doorbell (e.g. Reolink doorbell which I already have) which could do face recognition
  • maybe even a lock + keypad combo but where I can just dump the lock and still use the keypad for this purpose

Ideally it would be a wired PoE solution, but even battery operated is fine. Zigbee or Zwave preferred but other options are OK to, as long as it can integrate with HA.

I saw Frient Keypad (zigbee) which is close enough, but wonder if there are other ideas out there. Similar with Xfinity xhk1-ue - Zigbee Keypad. Both lack the fingerprint part though.

Thank you!

A possible idea is something like Fingerprint, Code und RFID Zugangssystem mit WLAN und Bluetooth -, which is TuyaSmart compatible. And I guess it should be able to integrate into HA via Tuya - Home Assistant. But it is also expensive and I would like to be sure I can integrate it before spending that much.

Also found which seems to be a complete solution, but with Tuya integration. Any ideas if this can be integrated with HA?