The documentation on device tracing says that Know_device.yaml is being phased out. What replaces it?? or bette yet how do i replace it?
When you want to integrate something, follow its documentation. That’s it.
Most integrations that involve location tracking these days simply don’t care about it. They add device trackers as necessary, they don’t do anything with known_devices.yaml
because its not necessary. If an integration does still need you to do something in known_devices.yaml
, the doc for that integration will tell you what to do.
There’s no specific deprecation or migration plan for whatever you have in there. It’s still used by some integrations but the number is less now then it was in the past. Just follow the doc for the integrations that you use, simple as that.
Thanks for the insight The documentation for OwnTracks is ambivalent at best
It doesn’t say anything about known_devices.yaml in the doc for owntracks from what I can see. Are you required to do anything in that file to make it work?
This is probably the core issue in my problem…^ months ore so I have owntracks working fine, but I had to re-install my virtual machine. I have been unable to get Owntracks to show in my HA Map so I have been researching and found this guide
It refers to owntracks being added automatically added to known_devices.yaml. That does not happen in my system. In my mind I associated this last with my map issue (no owntracks on HA map). As in most vidieo guides I can not read what the “automatic entry” to correct it myself. The accompanying text also refers to adding owntracks to configuration.yaml for “advanced configuration”
I did that as follows:
max_gps_accuracy: 200
waypoints: true
- jason
- jh
Still no presence on HA Map
I added the following(which is the entity associated with owntracks integration) to
still nothing on map. I am grasping for straws. I know I had this working before I had to rebuild my virtual machine.
Thanks for taking the time to respond
The entity registry, internal to HA, replaces it. That’s not a file you ever see or touch.
The owntracks docs no longer mention known_devices.yaml
so I assume you’re referring to the video linked from the docs. Unfortunately at 4 years old it’s likely horribly outdated, and probably shouldn’t be linked any more.
i sort of thought that. Unfortunately I am left with owntracks not working in HA and I was grasping at documentation . It worked well for me for a while and I liked its features
Ok thanks for the information after several removes , reinstall and reboots I sort of have owntracks working
A post was split to a new topic: Owntracks configuration