KNX automation

Hi there, I previously was running OpenHAB for 6 years, and automated some KNX/hue stuff. I was running 3 different automations. I am new to HA and really want to create these automations in HA instead of OpenHAB since my system with Openhab crashed.
I was running:
1: Set KNX light ON @ sunset and OFF @ sunrise
2: Switch and dim hue light with KNX wall switch
3. If motion sensor is detected motion, switcht ligt @30% during night and 70% during day.

Wat is the easiest way to automate these options. I think I’ve found option 1 allready in the forum, but especially option 3 is difficult for me. In the hue app, the 30 and 70% are 2 different scenes, so I have to call one of these scenes depending the time, but how? Anybody can help?

Hi :wave:!
Ad 3:

  • create an automation with motion sensor as trigger (event or state depending on how it works. Is it Knx?)
  • Use choose or if in your action to call
    • check for daytime in the condition → turn on the light with your brightness, or call the scene
    • in the other branch (else) turn on with nighttime brightness or call the other scene

This should all work fine using the automation builder. Nevertheless here is the documentation for it if you need extra infos or want to understand the yaml syntax behind it

Ad 2: there are blueprint to enable this very easily. Just search for “knx” in the blueprint exchange section of this forum.

Ad 1: This is literally the first example in the documentation - which is very yaml heavy. Should be straightforward to do in UI automation builder though.

Hi farmio,

Thank you for your answer. The motion sensor is KNX. I can choose the motion sensor as trigger when it is added in the configuration.yaml with its name and knx address?

The same for option 2? When the KNX wall switch is added to the yaml, I can use it as trigger?

I allready added my KNX lights and can switch them in the openhab gui, but in the actions, I was not able to select one of my knx lights to switch on. Am i doing something wrong?

Knx entities aren’t assigned to HA “devices”. So they don’t show up as devices, but can be used wherever entities can be used. (You can still do anything needed, devices are just a shortcut in HA).

DPT 3 dimming is quite tricky - hence the blueprint recommendation.

Blueprint like this one? blueprint

Yes exactly :+1: