I have a problem. I’m new to KNX since I bought a house equiped with knx a few months ago.
I Have ETS6 and i import the knxproj from the former owner.
All is configured in the house and work well, but in ETS i cannot interact with the participants such as blind, lights, thermostat etc I can only have interaction whith one dali lights. Only one dali lights could appear in the group adresse monitor. What could be the problem ? Is there a filter somewhere ? I can put screenshot if helped.
Ok … like i say before i’m new to this knx world, i would appreciate every best-practices solutions
my final goal is not really to interact with ETS and my participant but i think is the first thing to do for having a working knx integration in home assistant. Actually i can only turn on one dali lignt in home assistant
Do you also use the network equipment ( router ) from the former owner?
The IP for the KNX-IP-device is manually assigned to
Does your PC/Laptop also have a IP-Address in the network and your Router has address ?
How to set a tunnel ?
When i choose the router in the high right corner of ETS i got a message that say “Impossible to connect to the ip interface (there is no more available connections)”
Oh, Never seen that device. Maybe it doesn’t provide any tunnels
For ETS, I guess using USB will work fine for now.
For HA you’ll need to get IP to work.
Maybe you can disable all filters here and use routing then in HA (and ETS).
Since you don’t have multiple routers / IP areas this should be fine. (I think your 1.2.x is the second connection of the same Wago device, is it?)
I think the ip controller is for a visual interface that i have with a wago app on phone or directly on web browser when i open But this interface is horrible
in the wago router i’ve got 2 ethernet ports but 1 only is used.
Aha. Still, I think you can safely disable the filters in this installation. Just be aware that all telegrams will be sent to IP multicast unencrypted then.
Does the device 1.2.1 have group addresses associated in its group objects?
“Weiterleiten” for both (it’s German for “(to) forward”).
You’ll also need to set that for the other direction “IP → Bus” to enable bidirectional communication.
“Main groups” is the first section of a group address. Eg. 5/3/10 would have main group 5. The differentiation between 0-13 and higher has historical reasons afaik - imho you can ignore that and use same setting for both.
“Individual address” telegrams are point-to-point - this is used for configuration from ETS. Not really sure if it works when using “filtern” , but in doubt you can just try.