Hello there,
I am not very experienced with knx about technical details with climate hvac solutions.
I have gotten my Theben ot box and my schneider multitouch pro (thermostat) working with a few trial and error. However I still dont know exactly why and how the principle of controlling work. I can't adjust the tempature from a distance. Just by hvac presets.
How is this done professionally?
My configuration is now Heating----Theben----Schneider(thermostat)----SV-jung server.
Controlling my heating in the living room with my Schneider thermostat.
Its a bit related to home assistant because i am moving over to ha fully when everything is working properly with heating control.
Would the heating adjustment always be controlled by the thermostat or would it be controlled with both directions? so for instance from ha to the theben ot and the from theben ot to the thermostat for state adress or if always from thermostat to theben ot and from ha to thermostat for adjustments or hvac state.
My current issue is that I don't understand the reason behind. I\O (input output)
Setpoint I\O
Setpoint shift I\O
Basic setpoint I\O
Some advice would be helpful:)
Regards Wouter
Hi !
Unfortunately you did wrap your whole text in code tags, so your images aren’t shown here.
hehe thanks for noticing. Never used the code tags:)
Ok. So I’m not sure I really understand what your question is at this point.
Is seems you try to control the heating regulator in the Multitouch from HA.
The Theben thing gets its command value from the Multitouch, so you don’t need that in HA.
How you configure the regulator is up to you. You may use setpoint_shift, or not.
I have no idea what exactly the “basic setpoint” does, but I’m sure there is documentation for that device.
Keep in mind that every manufacturers device works a little bit different, so some trial and error will be needed to find the perfect fit of HA configuration and device parameters.