KNX Cookbook

I also have this device (SCN-IP100.03), and I also got some issues when I did some updates.

It was a little pain in the ass to get it done, but now I use the “basic configuration”, without problems at this moment. If only I had that converter when I made that pretty big change… :slight_smile:


Im struggling with my HA to replace my theben theserva. My climate uses a GIRA 2104 c02 sensor with two thresholds to control fan speed (mid & high). It seems impossible for HA to write this value.

- name: “Set room_co2medium”
state_address: “9/5/13”
type: “ppm”

Writing this (2 byte 9.008) value with the Theben Theserva work fine, and then it displays correctly in HA using a read command. In HA I’m not able (or not able to figure out) to write this. My setup idea was to use expose to enable an gauge to set this value

- type: “ppm”
entity_id: “sensor.room_co2medium”
address: “9/5/13”

Any tips?

I’d create an input_number entity for this and expose the value.
Sensor are read-only.

Thanks! I got the Slider active.

HA was a smooth start for me turning KNX lights on/off. Now I need to apply some programming skills to transfer the slider value into either the HA entity_id: “sensor.room_co2medium” or direct on knx address: “9/5/13”.

I assume the slider value has to be converted into the proper KNX value and send towards the HA entity_id or knx address. I would expect that I could link the slider, HA entity_id or knx address to make this work. I’m confused about how to move forward in transferring the slider value, I’m a bit lost in the rabbit hole.

The sending part is exactly what expose does.
If you want the slider to update from knx as well you could try a value_template setting the value from a knx sensor entity.

OK, thanks for all the help, this is what i did:

name: kamer_co2m
initial: 800
min: 500
max: 2000
step: 100

- type: “ppm”
entity_id: “input_number.kamer_co2m”
address: “9/5/13”

It updates the slider if I add a sensor to the dashboard.

- name: “readkamer_co2m”
state_address: “9/5/13”
type: “ppm”

Now to the next challenge: KNX scenes.


I use knx.climate to control KNX THERMOSTAT by lovelace interface.

    - name: FLOOR 1
      on_off_address: '4/1/60'
      on_off_state_address: '4/1/61'
      temperature_address: '4/1/64'
      target_temperature_address: '4/1/62'
      target_temperature_state_address: '4/1/63'

      min_temp: 15.0
      max_temp: 35.0
      - Off
      - Heat

I need to see actual heater/valve status

But I didn’t found in [](KNX integration) any value about status which will update hvac_action atrribute in homeassistant.

Is it possible to add to KNX integration new value heater_state_address which will show current status of heater/valve?

It is all there. The parameters you are looking for are:


And there are many more. Check the CONFIGURATION VARIABLES section on the page you’ve provided link to.

All my knx-binary-sensors gives me 14 (same) entities. Like, binary_sensor.frontdoor1,… and so on till 13.

Anyone knows how to fix this? When I used xknx I did not have this issue.

What is your configuration for those entities?

Like this:

  - name: Badkamer raam
    state_address: '13/0/8'    
    device_class: window
    sync_state: true

Strange, did you check if there is anything in the logs? Maybe enable debug logging for KNX and see what’s going on in there.

I have to ask: do you use the same name: for all this sensors? What name would you expect? It’s just the given name in camel case.

What do you understand for “heater/valve status”? What is it you want to see and do you know if HA climate entity supports it (is it available for other integrations?)?

Thank you, for your reply.

I will be glad if you´ll help me in exact situation.

I make changes and put controller mode information

    - name: Suelo Hab 4
      on_off_address: '4/1/70'
      on_off_state_address: '4/1/71'
      temperature_address: '4/1/74'
      target_temperature_address: '4/1/72'
      target_temperature_state_address: '4/1/73'
      controller_mode_address: '4/1/76'
      controller_mode_state_address: '4/1/77'

      min_temp: 15.0
      max_temp: 35.0
      - 'Off'
      - 'Heat'

4/1/77 is state of switch actuator (ON - is heating, OFF - is idle). In HA I have binary_sensor.cur_state of 4/1/76 and it’s updating online if 4/1/76 is changing, but state in lovelace is fixed on HEATING.

Where I need to look to have real hvac_action in lovelace card?

Please look at this image

I mean that I want to see is switch actuator is heating floor at this moment, or it’s off

do you know if HA climate entity supports it (is it available for other integrations?)?

Yes it works (I see state changes in lovelace card), if I make thermostat in HA with platform: generic_thermostat

   - platform: generic_thermostat
      name: Floor 1
      heater: switch....
      target_sensor: sensor.cur_temp...

This expects DOT 20.105 not 1.x - this is not going to work.

I think you are referring to the “auxiliary heater” attribute. This is not supported by knx (and I think is not exactly meant for the thing you try to use it for).

Each binary sensor has its own name. Each of them gives 14 entries. 14 x a binary sensor in Home Assistant for each of those below (and many more :slight_smile: )

  - name: Voordeur
    state_address: '13/0/3'
    device_class: door
    sync_state: true
  - name: Zijdeur berging 
    state_address: '13/0/1'
    device_class: door
    sync_state: true
  - name: Eetkamer schuifdeur
    state_address: '13/0/0'
    device_class: door
    sync_state: true

  - name: Berging raam
    state_address: '13/0/2'
    device_class: window
    sync_state: true


Oh, this is strange. Are you running latest version?

@adorobis Nothing in the logs that points to this problem :frowning:

@farmio Everything is up to date.

All my non-knx binary sensors are like it should be (have some movement-sensors and other stuff).

Also it’s only with the binary sensors (doors, windows, motion,…) everything else is working fine. In the end it’s not a big problem, there is just a lot (around 300 I guess) binary-sensors without any use. I don’t see my cpu going up (5-10% at my Pi 4), so if there is no simple solution I’ll just will get used to it I think :smile: