KNX cooling not show since 2024/8

Hi team,

since the latest 2024/8 update my thermostat doesn’t show cooling state anymore.

Right now it is set to cooling but it still shows heating.

Anyone an idea if thats a breaking change from the KNX adjustment or an bug?

Thank you :slight_smile:

It wasn’t intended at least… happens when you only have mode state, but no set address. It will work properly when you configure a set address (eg. heat_cool_address) as a workaround.

Thanks @farmio especially for the great KNX contribution :slight_smile:

I just looked in my yaml and I have it set but didn’t work :frowning:

    - name: "FLU Heizung"
      temperature_address: "5/6/0" #Aktuelle Temperatur
      temperature_step: 0.5
      target_temperature_address: "4/1/1" #Sollwert
      target_temperature_state_address: "4/1/18" #RM Sollwert
      command_value_state_address: "4/1/20" #RM Stellwert
      setpoint_shift_address: "4/1/4" #Sollwertverschiebung 2Byte
      setpoint_shift_state_address: "4/1/19" #RM Sollwertverschiebung 2Byte
      setpoint_shift_mode: "DPT9002" #2Byte
      setpoint_shift_max: 10
      setpoint_shift_min: -10
      operation_mode_frost_protection_address: "4/1/8" #Betriebsart Frost
      operation_mode_night_address: "4/1/7" #Betriebsart Nacht
      operation_mode_comfort_address: "4/1/6" #Betriebsart Comfort
      operation_mode_state_address: "4/1/23" #Betriebsart HVAC Status
      heat_cool_state_address: "0/0/8"

Glad you like it :smiley:

There is heat_cool_state_address, but no heat_cool_address in your yaml.

Ah got it - I thought reading the state is enough, since I switch heat/cool via another summer/winter object :smiley:

But now with both entries mapped to heat/cool (state) and summer/winter (switch) it works. Thanks a lot :slight_smile: