My Shutter/Blind actuator supports only 0-255 position, and not 0-100:
From the manual:
The blind/shutter can be moved in a targeted manner to any desired position and the slats positioned in
any slat position via two separate communication objects. Both communication objects are 1-byte
communication objects [0…255].
The following applies to the position of the blind/shutter: The value 0 corresponds to the top position (0 %).
The value 255 corresponds to the bottom position (100 %).
The following applies to the slat position: The value 0 corresponds to the open slat position (0 %). The
value 255 corresponds to the slat position closed (100 %).
How can I use position_address with range 0-255 and not 0-100?
(I would like to use a 0-100% slider in Lovelace UI, and translate every % to 0-255 range instead of 0-100.)
If it’s not possible, is there an alternative?
Thanks in advance.