KNX cover pretends to perform instructed operation even though state address reports otherwise

after searching the docs and forum for two weeks I resort to posting my question:
I have multiple KNX controlled roller shutters with MDT jal-0810m.02 controllers.
All the windows have contact sensors which block the shutters from closing entirely to allow ventilation. This is implemented in the MDT controllers which force the shutter to be at least 25% open when the window is opened and close the shutter once the window is closed unless the shutter has been opened in the mean time. That all works as expected, but when I open a window while the shutter is open and then while the window is open either an HA automation or through the HA dashboard the shutter controller is told to close the shutter the shutter stays 25% open as expected but HA reports the shutter as 100% closed even though on the KNX busmonitor in HA I can clearly see the corresponding state address is reporting 25% open.
When the window is closed and the shutter is closed HA shows 100% closed (as exptected) and when I open the window the shutter opens by 25% and HA shows that correctly as well.

Expected behavior: I would expect HA to assume the reported state from the state address is the truth instead of seemingly guessing something.

- name: Küche Gaube
  device_class: shutter
  position_address: 3/3/46
  stop_address: 3/3/45
  position_state_address: 3/0/13
- name: Küche Süd
  device_class: shutter
  position_address: 3/3/44
  stop_address: 3/3/43
  position_state_address: 3/0/12

I use HA docker, core 2024.1.0, Frontend 20240103.3

If you need any additional information please let me know, I’ll provide logs and whatnot if you tell me what you need to take a guess or make a suggestion on how I could figure out what’s going on.

The entity doesn’t know if/when the cover is locked or does some automatic thing. When it receives move commands, it assumes the cover starts moving and calculates intermediate positions. Incoming telegrams to position_state_address update those calculations, but don’t stop them.

Those are interesting information, thank you for the explanation.
One remark and one question: I don’t have move long addresses as I only use absolute positions. Is there a way to force HA to use the latest state address KNX telegram as the current position value?

I edited my answer. It doesn’t matter what triggers the movement indication - binary or percent.

It does, as long as it isn’t in “closing” or “opening” state. If it is in one of those states, the current implementation only updates the position calculation on incoming position states.

I did some more testing and I can not figure out the pattern when the shutter position is corrected in HA.
The simple scenario to replicate my observation is the following:

  1. Configure a roller shutter knx controller with window contact sensor and limit the downward position of the shutter to something like “keep 25% open if the window is open”
  2. Ensure the shutter is fully open
  3. Open the window (the shutter controller will internally limit downward movement but not move the shutter yet)
  4. Close the shutter completely through homeassistant (either the downwards arrow or dragging the slider to the fully closed position)
  5. observe the physical shutter stopping with the slats open (“keep 25% open if the window is open”) but in HA the shutter entity continues closing until it’s full closed. It stays fully closed in HA for a very long time even though the physical shutter is not fully closed and the state is neither “opening” nor “closing” but “closed”.