KNX cover.set_cover_position is moving up first and then back down to 50%

When i use the cover.set_cover_poisition (50%) in a script, the cover moves all the way up and down to the 50% stage from closed mode. tilts are closed by that movement. Covers are KNX managed


  alias: Test Jal 50%
  - service: cover.set_cover_position
      position: 51
      entity_id: cover.esszimmer_links
  mode: single


# Esszimmer
    - name: "Jal Esszimmer links"
      move_long_address: "4/0/34"
      move_short_address: "4/0/35"
      stop_address: "4/0/35"
      position_address: "4/0/81"
      position_state_address: "4/1/16"
      angle_address: "4/0/107"
      angle_state_address: "4/1/41"
      travelling_time_down: 105
      travelling_time_up: 105
      device_class: "shutter

and yes, it’s a very long one and 105 is correct and corresponds to the value set in ETS

Does it behave the same when you just send 51% to that GA from ETS?
If not, can you do a ETS GroupMonitor log when calling the script? (and when sending from ETS with same start position).

valid point. I’m a newbie and did nor realize ther obvious. tried the script many times, always with the same result. No I did, what you told me:

  1. send signal via ETS group monitor: cover stopped at 50%
  2. let the monitor run whilst starting the script: cover stopped at 50% ??!!
  3. stopped the monitor and run script again: cover is doing this up-down thing

total confusion !

Weird. Seems you got Schrödingers blind actuator :face_with_monocle:
Can you do same experiment while running xknx.telegram logger in debug? Knx logging
(Or maybe Wireshark, but the logger is better readable).

Are the blind actuator and the IP interface on the same Knx line? Are you using routing or tunneling?

Don’t believe Schroedingers laws are active here. I think that’s just coincidence and it somehow relates to the state addresses not being captured correctly by the bus.A second issue, I could not solve is that when I position the tilts wit a script, a switch based command does not react and close them. I need to move a bit up and then down to do it. just a newbie gut feeling
I use 2 interfaces, both tunneling and on the same line lines as all the actuators (my second line is RF).
Never tried the xknx logger, but I will do it